Friday, December 23, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 10

I just couldn't decide what to write about in this, my final message in the series. I felt a bit like the Queen must feel when she's writing her Christmas speech to the nation. Should I urge you to look back over the year and think about all your achievements with gratitude? Should I encourage you to look ahead and visualise everything that you want next year to be? What well-chosen words could I use to inspire you and leave you with a feeling of peace and well-being? And then, whilst I was trying to make my mind up, I did a quick check on my inbox and found the following email from Denise Michaels:

Just got this in my inbox from an ol' high school friend and I had to share it with you:

Holiday Eating Tips

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or, if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Reread tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Remember this motto to live by:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"Have an amazing day!

Perfect! Have a good one! See you in 2006.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 9

Whilst I was thinking about what to write for the ninth tip in this series, the monthly newsletter from Michael Myerscough of The Relationship Gym
plopped into my inbox and I knew that the following excerpt was exactly what I needed. It's food for thought whilst you are getting together with family and friends over the holiday and, if, for some reason, you can't all get together this year, it's a reminder to find some other way to get in touch with your loved ones and let them know what they mean to you.

Who Loves You?

I’ve been trying to come up with a chirpy end of year article and I have to say it’s not working for me right now. I’m actually more focused on a eulogy that I’m writing for my Gran, Margaret Myerscough, who died last week. Her death marks the end of me having any grandparents and has come as a bit of a shock. I have to say that at the moment I’m experiencing regret about not having said all the things to her that I would have liked her to know. Whilst most of us were aware that she wasn’t very well it was assumed that my Gran would be around for another year or so. Well, last week she died peacefully in her sleep and moved on.

I make every effort to communicate how special people are in my life and let the people I love know that they are loved. In this case however I assumed that it wasn’t urgent and hadn’t been in touch for a while. I’m aware that there are a hundred and one times when we are reminded that life is a very fragile thing and that taking it for granted is a bit of a mistake. I just want to make it one hundred and two in the hope that in some way it might make a difference to your life.

It turns out that I’m reading the eulogy because I was one of her favourite grand children (I’m confident that none of the others are reading this so I can say that without hurting any feelings) and the sad part about that is that I had no idea. The thing that I’m getting around to here is that if you love people or even if people are just special to you it’s really, really important that you let them know. Don’t assume that they know, ever!

This is true with your partners, your parents, siblings, relatives, friends and just about anyone you share this planet with that you have any affection for. It makes all the difference in my world to know that there are people who love me, people that are proud of me or even people who just like hanging out with me or value my thinking. I also know that a lot of those feelings only became clear to me when I started telling others how important they are to me. For whatever reason a lot of us can get stuck in the idea that communicating love, in whatever form, is a bit of a burden for people that they’d rather not endure. Trust me on this one, it’s not true. Sure it might feel a little awkward and you might both feel a little shy, but every one loves a little love. It’s truly amazing the emotional doors that open when you start being honest with people.

So with this in mind I’d just like to take the time to say that having you read my newsletter makes a big difference to my life. I’m only really happy when I feel like I’m contributing something valuable to the world and every once in a while it becomes obvious that writing these articles has an impact. Sometimes someone will write to me expressing surprise at how pertinent an article was or how it made their life easier in some way. Sometimes someone will write and just say that they really enjoyed a story I shared. So if you’ve read this far I’d like you to know that I’m grateful and that you make a difference in my life.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 8

So far, I have been making a big assumption that you will be surrounded by family and friends during the holiday season.

I was single and living alone for 7 years after my marriage ended, which meant that I often spent quite long periods alone over Christmas. Since I love my own company, this never posed any problems for me and I was always fortunate enough to have friends and family to spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's with. However, one Christmas, there was a particularly ill-timed flu epidemic and, by Christmas Day, everyone that I would usually eat Christmas lunch with was tucked up in bed, sniffing and shivering. All except me - I was fine.

If I had been less proud, I would have phoned a friend and got myself invited somewhere else for lunch, but I was a bit embarrassed that I suddenly had nowhere to go on Christmas Day and, feeling like Norma No-mates, I decided to spend Christmas Day by myself. To cut a long story short, I rather enjoyed it, but the most positive thing to come out of the day was the fact that I managed to rid myself of a longstanding fear of being alone at holiday times.

Anyhow, enough about me! What about you? Are you facing your first Christmas as a single? Is it the kids' turn to go to their Dad's for Christmas? Are you separated from your loved ones this Christmas? You probably already know all the old chestnuts such as 'Invite your elderly neighbours over for Christmas' or 'Help out one of the charities serving Christmas lunch to homeless people on Christmas Day'. In addition to these though, I would like to offer you the following ideas to help you make Christmas feel special this year:

1. Try to have something to look forward to every day of the holiday - something you really love to do but often don't have time for in your workaday life

2. Use the holiday to do something completely different - learn something new, give yourself a makeover or turn your home into a spa, so that you start the New Year looking and feeling fabulous

3. Do Christmas your own way. Use the opportunity to just please yourself for the whole of the holiday - do absolutely nothing that you don't want to do and include as many of the things that you DO want to do as possible - totally indulge yourself

4. Research a subject that fascinates you - go back to work an 'expert' (well maybe expert status is unlikely, but you could take several steps towards it)

5. Clear your clutter and start the New Year with a clean, clear, clutter-free space

6. Rent out all the funny films you can find and have an hilarious holiday

7. Aim to solve a problem you have been procrastinating over before the holiday is done

8. Plan a new life for 2006

9. Get a temporary job in a lively bar or restaurant for the holiday period - earn some extra money and be part of the festivities at the same time

10. Spend the time researching that business you've always wanted to start - the Internet never takes a holiday, so log on and find out how you could start a business on a budget, then, in the New Year, resolve to spend (at least) one evening each week working on your new business until it's up and running

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 7

One daily habit that will leave you feeling less frazzled, exhausted and resentful at the end of the holiday is:


Don't try to do everything yourself - even if you KNOW you can do it better than everyone else. Persuade, bribe, threaten and cajole everyone who is sharing the holiday with you into doing their bit too!

If all the family traditionally descends on you for Christmas lunch, this year, get them to bring a dish with them - a starter course, a desert, a contribution to the main course - whatever their speciality is. Get everyone involved - put your teens on duty preparing sandwiches and making sure drinks are topped up. Even littlies can take guests' coats upon their arrival or collect empty plates and glasses and bring them to the kitchen.

Put your dad or uncle in charge of the annual post-Christmas-lunch game of charades and when anyone half-heartedly offers to take charge of washing the dishes, instead of insisting that they relax with everyone else and enjoy the fun, thank them heartily and point them in the direction of the kitchen...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Play 'The Challenge Game' with Michael Neill

This week, Michael Neill is issuing you with an invitation to play The Challenge Game with him. Here are the details:

THE CHALLENGE GAME on 'You Can Have What You Want'
Tuesday, December 13th at Noon pacific, 3pm eastern, 8pm UK (live internet radio at

There is a special energy of renewal towards the beginning of each new year.
Listen in to learn Michael's favorite game for transforming your New Year's resolutions into a positive, life-changing revolution!

This week only, if you phone in to the show you will not only get a unique personal challenge for 2006 from Michael, he'll also send you a free copy of his book 'You Can Have an Extraordinary Life'...

Inside the US:1-866-903-TALK (8255)
Outside the US:001-858-623-0102

To listen to the show this Tuesday, December 19th, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the buttonmarked 'Listen Now'

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 6

My sixth recommendation for a daily habit in the run-up to the holiday season is:

speak up

Are you the one that ends up 'doing Christmas' single-handedly? Does everyone descend on you on Christmas Day (or worse, for the whole of the holiday), breathe a sigh of relief, plonk themselves on the sofa and prepare to be waited on hand and foot for the rest of the time? Are you the unpaid servant? Catering to everyone's needs (literally)? Running yourself ragged? Collapsing into bed at the end of a long day, exhausted and wanting to pull the covers over your head and sleep for a week?

Well, speak up. Tell everyone that you're not prepared to do it again. Politely insist that they help out (more on this in Part 7). Get everyone involved and doing their bit. Just because Christmas has traditionally been 'done' a certain way doesn't mean that it always has to be that way - especially if it means a miserable Christmas for you. Break old traditions and make some new ones. Schedule some time for yourself. Don't end up unhappy and resentful this Christmas - you deserve to enjoy it too!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 5

During both the hectic period running up to the holidays and the holiday itself,

take some time for yourself every day

Even if you can only manage half an hour, take that time and spend it by yourself, doing something that you enjoy. Maybe you might earmark that time to have a long soak in the bath, curl up and read a good book, listen to a piece of music that calms or inspires you or just lie on your bed in total silence with the phone turned off and a 'do not disturb' sign on the door. You know what it is that you need to do to keep body and soul together!

Nicola's top 10 tips on saving money

The UK's top wealth coach, Nicola Cairncross, has compiled the following top 10 tips for saving money - just in time for the New Year. You can read Nicola's blog at

1. Cut out one cappuccino a day - £1.85 a day saved (and then invested) gives you a 100% chance of becoming a millionaire in your lifetime.

2. Change your mobile message - ask people to email or Skype you instead (still got your mobile for emergencies but you can then call them back on Skype for free).

3. Instead of giving the kids pocket money, pay them interest on their savings instead (teaches them good habits too).

4. If you take more than one trip abroad per year, buy your travel insurance annually, saves ££££££££.

5. Shop online - you can stick to a budget much more easily and check if you need those extra tins of canellini beans!

6. Visit to find out which are the best 0% credit card deals, then move your debts.

7. Buy your books from - books are much cheaper in the USA than here.

8. If you use any stores online regularly, check at or to see if you can join the store's affiliate scheme and earn commission when you buy.

9. Open a SIPP (self administered pension fund) now, as from next April you will be able to put all sorts of things into your pension fund - residential property, wine, art - and any gain is tax free.

10. Think about how to make MORE money rather than cutting back - start a part time business, do some babysitting or take in ironing. Find a way to make money from a hobby or interest and have fun doing it.

Friday, December 16, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 4

My fourth tip in this series is:

get some exercise every day

Find some way (and some time) to include some exercise into your day. If you're the type of person who has to force themselves to exercise and hates every minute of it, then you're not doing it right - you need to find something that you enjoy doing. Why not make that a goal for the New Year - to try as many different forms of exercise as you can until you find at least one that you really enjoy doing and are willing to do at least 3 times a week for the rest of the year?

Experiment, also, with the time of day that you do your exercising. I'm a morning person - I can get up at any time in the morning and I'm raring to go, but in the evenings, I'm useless and I just need to chill out and wind down. I discovered long ago that the best thing for me is to set my alarm clock to go off an hour earlier and exercise first thing in the morning. It sets me up for the rest of the day with an exercise-induced endorphin high and I don't have the nagging feeling that I need to exercise hanging over me all day. When would be the best time of day for you to exercise?

If all else fails, just go for a walk in your lunch break - it'll help your digestion, help burn off your lunch, fill your lungs with fresh air and give you more energy for the afternoon.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 3

My third personal daily habit for the holiday season will be to

eat plenty of fruit and veg - at least the recommended daily amount
of 5 portions per day.
I always try to do this every day and usually succeed in managing an average of 8 or 9 portions, but this becomes much harder when you are out and about, Christmas party food becomes very much your staple diet and vegetables appear to be a rare commodity.

A couple of tips for increasing your f & v intake during this period are:

1. Have a fruit smoothie for breakfast - just whizz up 3 or 4 fruits in a blender - experiment to find your favourite combinations. A variation on this fruit breakfast theme would be to make a breakfast fruit salad - I often do this and can manage to get up to 5 or 6 portions of fruit in there.

2. Take a bag of veg sticks to work with you to nibble on at break times. Just cut up carrots, celery, cucumber, spring onion and cauliflower (florets), put them into a bag or sealed dish and nibble away as a healthy alternative to crisps, nuts and other snack foods. A handful of sunflower and pumpkin seeds is another healthy alternative for snacking on.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Free calls to UK National Landlines

I've been using for international calls for some time now because I make a lot of calls to the US and they are just so cheap - but today, I went to their site to sign up on behalf of someone else and I spotted that when you register with them, you can call any UK landline day and night for FREE!!! You will only pay a 3p connection fee! This offer applies to both residential and business customers! If you live in the UK, just visit their site,, fill in a simple form and get calling! Just in time for Christmas too!

10 daily habits for the holiday season - Part 2

The second daily habit that I would urge you to adopt between now and the New Year is:

Drink plenty of water
We all know by now that we are supposed to drink 8 glasses of water each day. And I admit that it is sometimes difficult to do it. I can glug it down with the best of them when I'm thirsty, but after my third or fourth glass of the morning, I'm starting to get a bit bored and have to force myself to carry on drinking it. The thing is, though, it works. When I drink plenty of water on a regular basis, I catch myself looking in the mirror and thinking how good my skin looks - smooth, glowing and moisturised. In addition, I don't feel so tired or get so hungry.

A couple of tips that might help you to drink more are - drink warm or lukewarm water during the day (I know - some people hate the idea - but it works for me) and make your first drink of the day a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon in it.

Oh, and another tip - when you're out partying in the run-up to Christmas, alternate alcoholic drinks with glasses of water - you'll stay in control, you'll consume fewer calories and you won't be so dehydrated the morning after.

Come back tomorrow for Tip 3

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

10 daily habits for the holiday season

What 10 things could you do each day which would really make a difference to your health and wellbeing over the holiday season?

Many of you will already be well into the 'silly season' as far as eating, drinking and looking after your general health and well-being are concerned... office parties, get-togethers with friends, nights out on the town, sweets and chocolates everywhere you look...

Some of you will already know that, throughout the year, I advocate making a list of 10 habits that, when practised daily, will make you look and feel better. These are things like flossing your teeth or taking just 2 minutes to buff your nails so that they are strong, shiny and healthy-looking. Or maybe writing in a journal for 15 minutes.

Over the next 10 days, I am going to offer you 10 daily habits that you can practise both in the run-up to Christmas and over the holiday period which should help to combat some of the worst excesses associated with this time of year.

So here we go - Tip 1 -

Always eat breakfast

When I was still an employee (I was a Currculum Manager in a college), I worked in a busy staffroom which, at this time of year, was full of food. Each day brought fresh piles of leftover food from all the staff and student parties that were taking place. In addition, students would bring gifts of cookies, cakes and chocolates for us and every lunch time brought another invitation to either another party or a celebration pub lunch (usually without a single vegetable in sight).

What particular challenges does this time of year present for you? Do you have a sweet tooth and can't resist all the sweets and chocolates on offer? Do you snack and 'graze' on party food all day and never manage to eat a healthy meal until normality returns in January? Do you use the holiday season as an excuse to over-indulge, convincing yourself that you will soon lose all the excess weight in the New Year?

If any of the above sounds like you, at least give yourself a good start to each day by eating a healthy breakfast - even if all you can manage is a couple of pieces of fruit. If you can start your day with a full stomach and healthy blood-sugar levels, you will be less inclined to dive into the cookies and chocolates with your mid-morning cappuccino. Your waistline will thank you for it too! :-)

Come back tomorrow for Tip 2.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Get off your own back

Details of Michael Neill's radio show for this week are posted below:

YOU ARE NOT THE ENEMY on 'You Can Have What You Want'
Tuesday, December 13th at Noon pacific, 3pm eastern, 8pm UK
(live internet radio at

For as long as you are making any part of yourself into an enemy, you will not experience lasting inner peace. Learn how life changes when you stop the battle against yourself, your ego, your shadow, or any other parts of your personality you don't like (or wish didn't exist!)

As always, I'll be taking your calls on air if you're tired of beating yourself up or wondering how much easier your life could be if you got off your own back, please call in to speak with me live! Inside the US:1-866-903-TALK (8255)Outside the US:001-858-623-0102

To listen to the show this Tuesday, December 13th, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

11 ways to put an end to 'hit and run' weekends

It's Sunday again already! If you're wondering where yet another weekend went to, read the following article, written by Lisa Schulman for ivillage and make more time for fun next weekend:

Friday, December 09, 2005

Find great music

I found the following in wealth coach Nicola Cairncross' email newsletter:

Latest web tip from Steve Howson - a marvellous music site called where you put in a couple of your favourite tracks and it analyses the qualities of those tracks and finds you more music like that. You can create different personal "radio stations" for the different genres of music you like and it's a great way to find more new music / artists.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

December Newsletter

The December edition of the Successfully Single newsletter can now be read on-line at Don't forget that if you sign up to receive the newsletter by email during December, your name will be entered into a draw to receive a month's coaching with me, absolutely free of charge - that 3 x 40 minute sessions...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Happiness is an empty inbox

We're being spoilt this week - with a second helping of Michael Neill - so if you're feeling overworked and overwhelmed in the run-up to the holiday season, tune in to:

HAPPINESS IS AN EMPTY INBOX w/special guest Stever Robbins
Thursday, December 8th at Noon pacific, 3pm Eastern, 8pm UK
(Live internet radio at

This is what Michael has to say about it:

If you're ready to overcome overwhelm at work and at home, listen in on my conversation with leadership guru and efficiency expert Stever Robbins(

As Stever says:"'No' is hard for most of us to say. We like to feel appreciated and useful to others. But far better to say "no" many times and concentrate on a few great wins than to say "yes" after "yes" after "yes" and deliver poor results...

At the end of the day, it's not like there's much choice. You will reduce your overwhelm. Either you'll do it voluntarily and deliberately, or you'll do it when you collapse with a nervous breakdown. You owe it to yourself to take control of your own life and make the hard choices now, when they're uncomfortable, but doable. Something's got to give. Don't let it be you."

To listen to the show this Thursday, December 8th at Noon pacific, 3pm Eastern, 8pm UK, go to and click on the button marked 'Listen Live!'

Win free coaching for a month

Sign up for the Successfully Single newsletter in December and your name will go into a special draw. The winner will receive a month's coaching, absolutely free of charge (that's 3 x 40 minute sessions - worth £180). Either send a blank email to, or visit the website, go straight to the bottom of the 'Newsletter' page and use the sign-up box there.

The winner will be contacted by email, early in January 2006. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The gift that goes on giving...

Whilst I was reading Beryl Whiting's blog (see previous post), I was also reminded that many people I know are turning down the opportunity to receive another load of things that they don't really need this festive season, and instead, are asking people to get them something that someone else needs. Confused? Read what Beryl has to say about it and all will become clear...

Having a birthday right before xmas gives my husband and sons a bit of challenge! They assume I am a woman who has everything, um....actually I am beginning to think they may have a point. I certainly have everything I NEED.

So after a lot of nagging I came up with a digital radio as a present. I have to say it doesn't really do it for me but, what else is there? Then, a revelation. After listening to a radio advert I had an 'aha' moment. There was something I would really really like and it made me feel quite happy and excited at the thought of having it! Well you may be as surprised as my sons when I tell you it is a GOAT! I know you're thinking 'you're kidding'! Ooops sorry.

Oxfam are suggesting you buy a goat (£24) and no post and packing involved, they will send it to someone to whom it would make a real different. A child ex-soldier or a mother to support her family in Africa. Two goats go off and do what goats do and before you know it you have a whole herd. So what appeals to me is helping others far less fortunate than me to get back on their feet and create their own future and take control of their lives again. What better gift could we give? This just fits so well with the work I do. I now intend to buy livestock on a regular basis. In 2006 I will be saving for a camel (£95).

The seasoned shopper in me did begin to start the 'shopping around' and whereas Oxfam do one goat for £24, Christian Aid, do a whole herd for £60! Then again could I stretch to a calf (£32), a stethoscope for (£7), a can of worms for Bolivian farmers (£15) ? Decisions decisions......

Happy Xmas Shopping!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Successfully Single - at any age

Beryl Whiting is an NLP coach and Personal Development Trainer for people in business. Reading Beryl's blog the other day, I had a wonderful reminder that you don't need to be in your 20's, 30's or 40's to be successfully single and get a life you love after a break-up. Beryl wrote:

Recently, I overheard two ladies talking in a coffee shop. The first lady was telling the story of how her husband had left her three years ago when she was aged 60. Although at first she was devastated and didn't tell anyone for a year. Now she absolutely wouldn't have him back, even though he says he wants to try again.

"I'm having too good a time going out and enjoying myself in a way that he wouldn't let me when we were together. He insisted on us doing everything together. Now I can go out when and with whom I want! I love going to concerts, theatres, holidays, keep fit, coffee mornings. It's been a real blessing and I never thought I would hear myself say that!"

Yay! You go girl!

The Secrets of Million Dollar Intention

Details of Michael Neill's radio show for this week are posted below:

THE SECRETS OF MILLION DOLLAR INTENTION on 'You Can Have What You Want' Tuesday, December 5th at Noon pacific, 3pm eastern, 8pm UK (live internet radio at

Do you procrastinate? Put things off? Feel overwhelmed by work, life, and your to-do list? Listen in this week and find out why the most important choice you make is what you choose to make important...As always, I'll be taking your calls on air - if you want to overcome procrastination and take action on what really matters in your life, please call in to speak with me live! Inside the US: 1-866-903-TALK (8255). Outside the US:001-858-623-0102

All first time callers can receive a free month's membership to the SolutionsCafé! To listen to the show this Tuesday, December 5th, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Have a safe Christmas

Now that we are hurtling towards the holiday season, follow these safety tips from the Lucie Blackman Trust on your nights out and have a safe Christmas:


Have you worked out how you are getting home?
Have you put I.C.E. (a number to be rung In Case of Emergency) on your mobile?
Is your mobile charged up and do you have credit?
Book a taxi home BEFORE you go out.
Take a long coat to cover your party clothes on the way home.
Arrange to travel home with a friend.
If going out by yourself, set up a Safetytext before you leave, and if your plans change, set up a new Safetytext, so if something happened to you, someone could find you.


Never leave your drink unattended
If you are in a group, maybe there is someone who is driving and not drinking, elect them to watch over everyone’s drinks.
Use a Drink Spike Detector – and make sure people see you doing so.
Ask your pub for a DSD – they should have them. If not, tell them about the Lucie Blackman Trust.
Pace yourself – if you have too much alcohol too quickly it will catch up with you an hour later.
Miss a round of drinks occasionally, and have a soft drink.
If you are with a group of friends – LOOK AFTER EACH OTHER.
Don’t drink so much that you can’t control your actions. You will become an easy target. If a guy can push you behind some bushes, you will be raped in less than a minute. You may be made pregnant, be given a sexually transmitted disease, even AIDS.



Take a long coat out with you.
If you are a girl in skimpy party clothing, wearing a long coat over your party clothes will make you less of a target.
If you are travelling home alone, set up a Safetytext giving your route and cancel when you are home safe.
If you have to walk, make sure you go the way with the best street lighting. It may be further – but it's safer.
If walking down a quiet street or lane, walk in the middle of the road.
Make sure you have a Lucie Blackman personal attack alarm ready to use.
Don’t accept a lift from someone you have just met – or if you do, put their details in a Safetytext.
When nearly home, make sure you have your door keys ready so you can enter your house quickly.

We welcome partners and information that will support work in this area. To contact The Lucie Blackman Trust telephone 01983 566083 or 07887893951.
© Copyright 2005: Lucie Blackman Trust

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Safety Text

Most women will be aware of the need to keep themselves safe when on a night out. By logging on to it's possible to set up a delayed text message from your mobile which could raise the alarm if something happens to you. The message is confidential,and you can cancel it when you are safely home. The website includes a video of how to set up a safety text.

Not sure if this service is available outside of the UK - I suspect not.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Single Again Club

I have recently set up a new networking group called The Single Again Club at The network, which is free to join, is for newly-single women who have been in a long-term relationship and who are returning to 'singlehood' either through choice or because their partner has ended their relationship.

The network has been set up to help newly-single women to:
~ cope with, and make sense of being single again
~ survive re-entry into life as a single woman
~ receive a sense of community from networking with a group of women who
are all 'single again'
~ recover from the break-up of their relationship in as short a time as possible
~ plan how they want their life to be in the future and
~ go on to have a life they really, truly love

Please Join here - have your questions answered, share your experiences, disappointments and challenges, celebrate the good bits and really feel the benefits of being part of a community of women who are all newly-single and experiencing similar challenges.

P.S. We grow by your recommendation. Which of your female friends, colleagues or family members would benefit from being a member of the Single Again Club? Please tell them about us and let's build a lively, vibrant community of single women who don't need a man on their arm to be successful.

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Relationship 'A.H.A.'

The excellent Michael Neill of Genius Catalyst is presenting


on his internet radio show, 'You Can Have What You Want' on Tuesday, November 29th at Noon pacific, 3pm eastern, 8pm UK (live internet radio at . This is how he describes it:

Relationships are at the heart of the human experience, but so many of us find it difficult to live from our hearts in the most important relationships in our lives. Join me this week as I share relationship tips, tricks and techniques, including my personal favourite - the relationship 'A.H.A.'... As always, I'll be taking your calls on air. If you're experiencing breakdowns, scared to break up or ready for a breakthrough, please call in to speak with me live! Inside the US:1-866-903-TALK (8255) Outside the US:001-858-623-0102 All first time callers can receive a free month's membership to the SolutionsCafé!

To listen to the show this Tuesday, November 29th, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'

The Lucie Blackman Trust

So much to blog about this week and so little time...

I am always interested in personal safety issues for women - I have a whole chapter in my book dedicated to this subject and I pricked up my ears this morning when I heard about The Lucie Blackman Trust on GMTV. Briefly, Lucie Blackman was killed in 2000 after her drink was spiked. Her father and sister set up The Lucie Blackman Trust in her memory to educate women on personal safety issues.

First of all , please visit the website and tell your female friends, colleagues and family members about it. The party season is about to start for many of us and the need to keep ourselves safe should be uppermost in our minds when we are planning a night out.

Secondly, if you are looking for a Christmas gift for a female of any age, you may want to take a look at their Lucie Blackman Trident alarm which looks excellent. Here's the description, direct from the website:


Branded especially for the Lucie Blackman Trust, this personal attack alarm is different from most as it has three functions.

When activated it emits an ear piercing 138 decibel screech that will draw everyone's attention, and help repel an attack.

If also sprayed directly at an attacker, they become coated in a foul smelling substance, and an invisible ultra violet identifier.

Multiples of 1 @ £11.50 each inc. p&p - Qty Multiples of 5 @ £50.00 inc p&p - Qty

You can order alarms on-line here. Keep safe!

Successfully Single Resources

Just wanted to remind you about some of the free resources available to you on the Successfully Single website:

First of all there's the monthly Successfully Single email newsletter, full of the latest news and information about being a Successfully Single woman. Use the sign-up box on the website or just email me at

Secondly, don't forget to check out my recently-published book:

Successfully Single: 101 ways to love being single again

You can read a free 48-page preview of it here:

(Would make a great Christmas present for a newly-single friend or family member :-) ) Look out later this week for a special announcement about how you can buy this book at half price during December:

Free teleclasses (classes that take place over the telephone) are available throughout the year. To see a list of the classes that are currently available
click here.

If you are thinking of hiring a Coach, don't forget that you can call me on +44 (0)1405 861074 or email me at to book a complimentary coaching session and find out how we could work together...

And finally, before you leave the website, click on the 'Resources' page for free articles and links to other useful sites...

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Year-to-slim program

When a relationship comes to an end, many women feel that they want to make some changes to their appearance to complement the changes they have made in their lives. This will often take the form of a new hairstyle, new clothes or a decision to lose some weight.

Claire Raikes is a Health and Wellbeing Coach and her friend, Lucy-Ann Prideaux is a registered Nutritionist. Together they have created what they describe as a 'day-by-day roadmap to weight-loss success, which if followed, will take you from where you are now to slimmer, calmer and happier with your body than ever before. What's more, you will finally learn exactly how your body works and what makes it TICK'.

Their program is called 'YeartoSlim: Daily Steps to Natural Weight Loss' and is delivered direct to your email inbox. This is what Claire and Lucy Ann say about it:

Unlike other weight loss programs or traditional diets, YeartoSlim is different. You will:

• Learn about food and nutrition• Understand the digestive system • Discover how your body uses food • Understand the role of carbohydrates• Find out what 'a balanced diet' really means • Understand your behaviour and relationship with food• Focus on the foods that nourish you from the inside out• Get weekly motivational boosts that keep you on track for the entire year• Make tasty, easy, nutritious meals specially created for the program• Learn about the different approaches to weight loss• Be inspired by new food ideas to fire the metabolism • Finally get the results you want and deserve and • Maintain your new size with a smile!

There are no meetings, with demotivating 'weigh-ins', to drag yourself along to as the entire program is delivered electronically via email. And yet you need never feel alone, because membership to YeartoSlim includes access to an online email support group (Yahoo group) where you can 'meet' other members, making new friends and sharing the experience as you wish. The support group also gives you 24 hour access to Lucy-Ann and Claire.

They are both adamant that good health and a body to be proud of, doesn't have to be expensive. Unless, of course, you consider 42 cents a day expensive! That's around 24 UK pence. Yes, that's right. YeartoSlim will cost you just $13 a month (c. £7.20). That's less than the price of a cappuccino - a week!

Get more information and/or sign up for the YeartoSlim program here

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Ideas from Denise Michaels

Happy Thanksgiving to all our US readers. Denise Michaels, owner of the Great Ideas for Women over 40 site has posted some Thanksgiving-related articles, ideas and tips for 'getting into the holiday groove'. She says:

'From recipes, romance, family fun, how to save on your Thanksgiving road trip, dealing with difficult relatives, jokes, fashion trends, being thankful and much more. Jump over right now for great stuff that will help you enjoy your holidays with ease. More holiday articles coming soon for Christmas and even Chanukah, too. Don't miss out!'

Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Barnes and Noble University

A coaching friend told me about Barnes and Noble University yesterday. For those of you who are not familiar with them, Barnes and Noble are a massive company which sells books on-line and in-store in the US. Their B&N University offers a range of free on-line courses, many of which would be of interest to single women including:

  • Money Management for Women
  • Simplify Your Life Now,
  • Business Etiquette and
  • Taking Care of Your Aging Parents

The one that I've got my eye on is 'Forensics with Court TV' - I'm a C.S.I. fan and I'm fascinated by all things forensic - watch out Marg Helgenberger - I could be after your job...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Other People's Blogs

All last week, I kept meaning to write about Priya Shah's blog, Single By Choice, and I just never got around to doing it. Now I've discovered that in her blog entry for today, Priya has mentioned me! Now it looks like I'm only recommending her blog because she quoted me, which really isn't true... I'm recommending her blog because I like it.

Priya calls her blog a 'A single mom's reflections on relationships, motherhood, men and marriage'. This is how she describes herself:

I’m Priya Florence Shah, a single mother - not really by choice. My husband passed away in June 2005 and since then I’ve decided to remain single.

I’m learning to love my space, deal with loneliness (which I’ve discovered is just a state of mind, easily altered by changing your perspective) and read a lot of personal growth and self-development books.

I’m also a successful businesswoman, having been in the field of online marketing since 2001, and recently started an online marketing firm. My babies (my 6-year old daughter and my new business) keep me very, very busy. My biggest challenge is finding time for myself - a problem that all moms (single or not) face everyday.

Hope you enjoy Priya's blog...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Great Ideas for Women Over 40

I wanted to tell you about Denise Michael's new website, Great Ideas for Women Over 40. The website looks good and is packed with information on all kinds of subjects that are of interest to women over 40 (and younger). This is what Denise has to say about it:

This website is for you, the smart woman over 40. If you're over 40 and looking for information to live a more fulfilled, happy and prosperous life - you've arrived. Great Ideas for Women Over 40 provides an array of resources to help you get more out of life. Whether it's more love, money, better health or more fun - the information here is updated to help you - and it's all free.

Denise is the author of "Testosterone-Free Marketing." To discover more about her, visit her website, Marketing For Her.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Vounteers needed!

I received the following message from Lee McCormack of

I am almost ready to launch my first product - a hypnotherapy and coaching weight loss programme but first need to test it out on a research and development team. So if anyone would like to volunteer for the group please first register your details for the smartgroup -

The three month programme will be delivered via email( approx 2 per week )and also listening to hypnosis audios downloaded from my website ( approx 3 per month). Its free to join in return for lots of feedback and a testamonial at the end. Aiming to start in the next few weeks.

If you would like further information, contact Lee at

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Single Again Club

The Single Again Club is a brand new, on-line coaching community which I am setting up to provide newly-single women with high quality coaching at an affordable price.

As a member of the Single Again Club you will receive:

One, hour-long, group coaching call per month

Two, thirty-minute private coaching sessions per month. (Private coaching sessions will be scheduled to take place on Coaching Hotline Days. Coaching Hotline Days are scheduled to take place regularly throughout the month)

Regular email support and encouragement via our dedicated Single Again Club discussion group (which allows you to have your questions answered, share your experiences, disappointments and challenges, celebrate the good bits and really feel the benefits of being part of a community of women who are all newly-single and sharing similar experiences.)

A copy of our monthly newsletter, 'Successfully Single', which is packed full of advice, tips and resources to help you to make the transition from 'newly-single' woman to 'Successfully Single' woman

Access to our occasional interviews with guest speakers

All for an affordable £87 per month!

The Single Again Club will officially launch in January 2006, but, if you register now and pay your first month's membership in advance, you can take advantage of some of the Single Again Club benefits absolutely free of charge for the next 2 months.

Register today, pay your membership fee for the month of January 2006 and you will will then be able to:

Join our monthly group coaching calls in November and December

Join our Single Again Club discussion group and start getting to know the other club members and

Receive the November and December editions of our montly newsletter, 'Successfully Single'

All absolutely free of charge!

If you are ready to join us, secure payments by bank or credit card can be made safely through Paypal. Personal cheques are also accepted by mail. If you would like further information, contact me at or call me on +44 (0)1405 861074.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Quote of the day?

I just received the following quotation in my in-box. I love it!

'I am thankful that thus far today I have not had any unkind thoughts or said any
harsh words or done anything that I regret. However, now I need to get out of bed and so things may become more difficult.'

-Sylvia Boorstein

Live In Essence

Regular readers will know that I always like to pass on any good resources that I find. Today, I’d like to tell you about my new friend, Claire Raikes and her company, Live In Essence. Claire is a natural health and wellbeing coach, speaker and writer and I ‘met’ her (virtually) when I joined her Club Essence smartgroup (more about this later). This is what Claire has to say about Live in Essence:

Live in Essence is about natural health. When we live in essence we live in a way that honours the essential and vital ingredients of life. In it's purist form this means food, water, sunlight and fresh air. In a '21st century wellbeing' context it's about detoxing, de-stressing and revitalising our bodies - and when we do, our minds and souls benefit automatically.

Claire’s website is packed with useful information and goodies, and I recommend that you have a look for yourself. Whilst you are there, you can sign up for Club Essence, which is new and completely free to join. This is how Claire describes it:

Club Essence is an online discussion group powered by which offers you motivation and inspiration through sharing your successes, strategies, recipes, ideas - and challenges - with like-minded people. Whether you are interested in diets and weight loss or other health matters, 'Club Essence' could make all the difference to your success.

I’m really pleased that Claire has agreed to be interviewed as one of our guest experts for the new Single Again Club which I will be launching shortly. I’m looking forward to hearing what she has to say. Meanwhile, since the ‘eat yourself stupid’ season is about to begin in earnest, I’m going to be visiting Club Essence on a regular basis between now and Christmas. I have some speaking engagements coming up in the New Year and I don’t want to end up looking like the Pilsbury dough-boy’s fatter sister, do I?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Safety tips for women

I received the following safety tips for women in my email box this morning (thanks, Linda) which are, apparently, from Northamptonshire Police and which are definitely worth thinking about. For further information about personal safety, visit the Suzy Lamplugh Trust.

Things women should know to stay safe: Please take the time to read these pointers. There may just be one or two you hadn't thought of.

After reading this, forward it to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.

1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!

2. If a robber asks for your handbag, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you.... he is probably more interested in your handbag than you and he will go for the handbag. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!

3. If you are ever thrown into the boot of a car: Kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm through the hole and start waving. The driver won't see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.

4.Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their cheque book, or making a list). DON'T DO THIS! A predator could be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side and attack you. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.

5. A few notes about getting into your car in a car park:

A.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor, and check the back seat.

B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most attackers surprise their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.

C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the shop, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)

6. ALWAYS take the lift instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.

7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!

8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.

9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird. The police told her 'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door." The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said, "We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door." He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear babies' cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night. Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Make 2006 your best year yet!

Make 2006 your best year yet! is an 8-week tele-course which will start during the first week of January and will cost just £79 for the 8-week programme. Details are still being finalised, but you can register your interest now by emailing me at

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Are you Epicurious?

If you get tired of eating the same old meals, week after week, check out Click on 'Find a Recipe', at 'Keyword' type in your main ingredient (e.g., chicken, eggs, shrimp, etc), tick the relevant boxes if you want low-fat, low-carb, one-pot cooking, etc and, hey presto, get a whole variety of new recipes to tempt your jaded palate. (Note: if you live outside the US, some of the ingredients in some of the recipes may be unfamiliar.)

Friday, October 14, 2005

How do I get my kids to accept my new partner?

I have been contacted by several women who have been single for a while (and therefore don’t consider themselves to be newly-single), asking if I am going to be running any teleclasses for separated and divorced women who are a bit more established as singletons. One theme that crops up on a regular basis is ‘How do I get my kids to accept my new partner?’. I think this could be combined with ‘What do I need to do to get my new partner’s kids to accept me?’ to form the basis for a really good discussion session. If anyone in the group fancies joining in a free tele-discussion on this subject, please register your interest by leaving a comment below or via the Successfully Single website.

Other people's blogs

One new blog that I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on is Living in the Raw by Karen Knowler who is a Raw Food Coach and MD of The Fresh Network. Check out Karen's 'Top 10 Tips for Going Raw'.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Paying for Christmas 4

My final tip in this series is probably too late for Christmas this year, but, if you begin in January, just think how less financially traumatic Christmas 2006 will be!

Write out a list of everyone you need to buy Christmas gifts for. Next to each name, write down the amount you expect to spend on that person. Add up the total amount that you expect to spend on Christmas gifts this year and add to that anything you expect to spend on decorations, cards, a tree, etc. Divide the total by the number of months you have left before Christmas (obviously the earlier in the year you do this, the smaller the monthly amount you will need to save). Open a separate high-interest, easy access savings account and, every month, transfer this monthly amount across. By doing this, you always have money to take advantage of any bargains you come across and you will be paying for Christmas in advance, in cash, rather than using your credit card and paying it off all the next year. Don't forget to do the same thing with birthdays.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Women and wealth

Just spotted the following on Gill Fielding's blog which you can check out at

Wealthy women!

I used to be part of an investment group known as the wealthy women so a headline about the rise of super rich women caught my eye last week.

Apparently seriously wealthy women are on the increase – so much so that women millionaires aged between 18 – 44 now outnumber their male counterparts. It is estimated that women will hold about 60% of private wealth (estimated at £670 billion in net liquid assets) by 2025.

Now I don’t ‘cater for’ women as a specialised niche but Nicola Horlick (the famous investment manager) certainly does and she has set up a women only wealth management service for those of us who have at least £200k tucked into their hand bags. The service is called Bramdiva – but it doesn’t appear to have a web site yet.

I find it hard to reconcile these astonishing statistics with the knowledge that women still earn less than men in the work place and women are still hugely under provided in pension’s terms.

Still, Nicola Horlick is a formidable lady and I won’t argue with her when she says, “A woman’s place…….. is in the money”.

Paying for Christmas 3

My third tip in this series is:

Start a present drawer. (This one might be more useful for your 2006 gifts.)

I start buying my Christmas gifts in the January sales and keep an eye open for potential gifts every time I go out shopping. I get loads of bargains, which means I can buy better gifts for the people I care about. Last year I had bought all my gifts by October and it was a brilliant feeling to know that I didn't have to go out there and brave the crowds during the Christmas rush.

The January sales are a great source of gloves, scarves and gift sets of smelly stuff like bubble bath and hand cream which you can stock up on and dish out as gifts during the coming year. They are great as birthday gifts for friends, as standbys for unexpected or forgotten gifts and they can be combined to make a bigger gift for someone special that you would like to spend more on.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Paying for Christmas 2

My second tip in this series is:

Give your time

If things are really tight, give people your time as a gift or make up some gift vouchers of your own. A voucher for 'Five evenings' babysitting' or 'An evening of pampering' might sound like heaven to a young, single mum. Older people might enjoy being taken into town for the afternoon or having afternoon tea prepared for them. Be creative and inventive and you may find that your gifts are valued more highly than any shop-bought item.

Please tune in tomorrow for Part 3.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Paying for Christmas

Now come on, own up – are you one of those people who are 'caught out' by the arrival of Christmas every year and find that they don't have the money to pay for it? Do you get to the week before Christmas, realize you haven't bought a single gift and then have to put everything on your credit card? Maybe money is in short supply this year, or you feel that Christmas spending has been getting totally out of control over the last few years and you would like to try to rein in your expenses this year.

This week, I will be sharing some hints and tips that may be useful (and if some of them are too late for this year, you could use them to get a head start on Christmas 2006).

Tip 1 is:

Set a spending limit

If you are short of money this year (or if you feel that spending on gifts is spiralling out of control), agree with your friends and family to set a 'spending limit' for gifts. If you all agree that no-one will spend more than, say, £10 or £15, a great deal of financial pressure will be taken off you. Most people have their own financial challenges at Christmas and will be more relieved and ready to agree to this than you think. An added advantage is that you will know the likely cost of Christmas and can budget and save accordingly.

Come back tomorrow for Tip 2...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Are you a prowler or a hoarder?

When it comes to food, are you a hoarder, a finisher, a prowler or a picker? Find out (and get other, useful healthy eating/food-related information) by checking out Lee McCormack's blog,

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Christmas Books

If you haven't done it already, do yourself a favour and have a look at the Book People's website ( I've just received their 'Great Gift Ideas for Christmas' catalogue and I defy anyone not to find at least one Christmas gift in there - all at ridiculously cheap prices (I'm talking about 24 miniature cookery books by chefs such as Gordon Ramsay, Michel Roux and Rick Stein for just £7.99 and 6 Dr Seuss titles for £9.99.). And, no, I'm not on commission...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Teleclasses from 'Three Wise Women'

Three Wise Women is a coaching group for forty- and fifty-something women who are interested in health and well-being (as well as fun and laughter). This week, they are offering two free teleclasses which I'll let them tell you about themelves but be quick, because the first teleclass starts tonight...

Well this week we are running two very special teleclasses which it need cost you nothing to attend, other than your time and telephone costs. Come and hang out with us, learn something new, connect with our wisdom and fun. Here are the details:

One of our former delegates Christine Compton is running a teleclass tonight called Creating Your Perfect Vision (or how to conjure up a House in Spain). Here's Christine's announcement:

Dear Wise Women

Creating Your Perfect Vision

By popular demand … I’ll be running a teleclass to look at the techniques involved in the exercise on how to create your perfect vision.

Date: Tuesday, 4 October 2005

Time: 8 pm – 8.55 pm (BST)

*Telephone No. 001 641 297 5400 Access Code: 33399

Make sure you have paper and a pen to hand (and the ‘Winter Home In Spain’ diagram - download it here: ) and give some thought beforehand to what you’d like to focus on – something specific like a perfect relationship, job, house or holiday etc. We’ll go through the technique in some detail and there’ll be time to ask questions and share your thoughts. I’ve invited a few other people to join us as well so hopefully the word will spread like wildfire and we’re all going to be turning dreams into reality like there’s no tomorrow!

I’m really looking forward to this and I’m sure it’s going to be great fun.



*As most of you will know, a conference call involves using a bridge line via the US so if any of you don’t have a cheap or free call service I can recommend There’s a 3p. connection charge and then the call costs 1p per minute (and you can use it to get cheap or free calls in the future).

+44(0)1524 62371


"Christine is the wise woman of the village, your gran, your mum, your best friend and your subconscious all rolled into one. She has a very no nonsense, down to earth style which immediately puts you at your ease. Her enthusiasm is infectious - she makes you want to move forward." Wendy J Dickinson


Then on Thursday we are recording a call about The Beauty of Juicing. We'd love to have you along LIVE, but this means you will be able to listen to it later on our website if you have to miss it. Here are Wise Marion's details about the call, posted in our somewhat lurid but zesty signature colours of purple and green!

Are you looking for more energy?

A way to painlessly slay the sugar monster within?

A delicious and effective way to ward off illness and lose extra pounds?

The Three Wise Women - dedicated juicers all - are running a

FREE teleclass

at 8pm (BST) on Thursday 6th October

to share our wise and juicy secrets about

The Beauty of Juicing

We are passionate about the benefits of regular juicing. We all know by now that applying heat, i.e. cooking our vegetables destroys a large proportion of the vitamins and enzymes that give such a boost to our health and energy. Juicing allows us to quickly and easily get our quota of the RAW food that satisfies our appetites and nutrional needs and so stops us consuming the 'empty calories' we often crave.

Would you like to find out more? Join us for this free teleclass and get our tips on:

the many health benefits

our favourite juicing machines

great juicing recipes even your children will love

have an opportunity to hear first hand some of the AMAZING results we and our 'wise' women (not to mention husbands and children) have experienced since we discovered

The Beauty of Juicing

If you've tried every diet - like we have - and found nothing really works long-term, then The Beauty of Juicing could be just what you have been waiting for!

8pm (BST) - Thursday 6th October 2005

The number to call is

From the UK: 0871 2712927.

When prompted for Room Number, enter 896848

And the PIN Number is 7373

Outside the UK: 00 44 870 050 1632

When prompted for Room Number, enter 896848

And the PIN Number is 7373

This is a FREE teleclass, you will pay only your call charges. We advise you that the call will be recorded and may be used for future promotional activities.

If you can't join us for the call but would like to get priority notice of future events then subscribe to our new ezine by emailing with EZINE in the subject line.

Check out the blog by visiting

A reminder... THREE WISE WOMEN is the well being programme for women in their 40's and 50's. We deliver it by means of a ten-week teleclass and - launching shortly! - a fantastic e-course delivered to your inbox each week. For more info about any aspect of 3WW, drop an email to

All is safely gathered in...

I'm happy to report a bumper harvest of fruit from our orchard this year.

Well, I use the word 'orchard' loosely. Our 'orchard' consists of one apple tree and one pear tree. We had 6 pears and 7 apples this year - which is an improvement on last year's crop of 4 pears and 6 apples.

Don't call me, Del Monte, I'll call you...

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I just had to copy the following post from the excellent Gill Fielding's blog for you. I think I've mentioned Gill before, she is the founder of the Wealth Company, is already a millionaire and has a keen interest in helping other people become wealthy too. Here's what Gill has to say about mobile phone ringtones:

I constantly harp on about how being wealth is simply a matter of choice: we all have enough money coming into our lives to have a choice of whether we become wealthy or not. Sadly, what most people do is choose to spend their money on stuff that doesn’t contribute to their wealth such as coffee, shoes, beer, and cigarettes.

And now there’s another expense that is about to zoom to the top of the all time ‘waste your money’ list and that’s ringtones.

Now I am not a big mobile phone user – I do have one but I have to crank the handle before it works – but so many people now have a mobile phone that we spend millions of pounds on ringtones – like that lovely frog theme. So in 2002 we spent £40 million on downloading junk to our mobiles, in 2004 that had risen to £320 million, and this year it is expected to reach £750 million.

Added to that we will spend £150 million on downloading games, £100 million on music downloads and a further £70 million on ‘wallpaper’ and screensavers.

Now if we add that lot up it comes to £1,070 million on downloading junk that frankly any one of us could live without.

So if even a fraction of this money was diverted into investments that compounded over time – there would be enough there to make sure we were all wealthy – and I could cry just at the futility of the money wasted on drivel like ringtones and screensavers.

If people could only make the right choice - to invest rather than waste - we could all be wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The key to success

'I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.'

Bill Cosby

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The final chapter

I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving all 99 chapters of Mike Brescia's ecourse, 'Today Is Your Day To Win'. Sadly, I have just received Chapter 99 in my in-box and I thought I would share it with you and give you a chance to subscribe to the course yourself (details at the end). So here it is - Chapter 99 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'.

How To Reach The Top Starting From Anywhere

Today's Empowering Quote

'Twenty years ago, when I went blind, it was tough to even find the bathroom. Now that I've climbed Mount Everest, well, I guess I've come a long way.'
-Erik Weihenmayer

Today's Empowering Question

What limitations have I been clinging to that I should and will throw right out the window, never to look back at again?

Today's Fast Session
Erik Weihenmayer went completely blind when he was 13....

Since then he's climbed the world's tallest mountains, run marathons and jumped out of planes, among his many pursuits.

Erik's story is about having the 'vision' to dream big; the courage to reach for near impossible goals; and the grit, determination, and ingenuity to transform his life into 'something miraculous.

'If you want to learn more about Erik, his book, 'Touch theTop of the World' can be found just about anywhere.

OK. So if a blind guy can climb the world's tallest mountain...

How do those excuses sound that you keep coming up with about why you can't do that paltry little project that's been sticking its tongue out at you for months now.

People like Erik only have one thing that separates them from most everyone else; the attitude that life is to be lived; that accomplishments require some risk, and that the risks themselves can make life juicy and fun.

Now, it's probably not required that you risk life and limb to achieve most of your goals, is it?

You want some juice, don't you? Accomplishment? Real excitement?

Then set a big goal. A REALLY big goal. But whatever it is, it's got to stretch you. It's got to be something that you really want... something that would really change your life.

Write down all the steps it will take. Who do you have to call? Where do you have to go? Does it require special training? Do you need tools or supplies?

What sacrifices do you have to make?

Sitting on the couch for another 10 minutes might be pretty 'comfortable.' Taking one more unimportant phonecall might be more 'fun' in the moment.

But at the end of the day when you look in the mirror...the only way THAT'S going to be fun is if you cut short the unimportant phone calls, got off the comfortable couch, stopped hiding out and took some major steps toward a big goal... every day. If you do that consistently, you'll start to really be proud of who you're becoming.

Those 'sacrifices,' if you'll look at them aren't sacrifices at all.

Happiness comes from what you become, not what you get. If you become more, you'll get more automatically. It's one of those cosmic universal laws.

Erik Weihenmayer, in achieving his goals, has become more. Now he gets paid huge sums to talk to thousands of people every year about the thrill of working to reach your wildest dreams. He gets to write about it.

90% of the people who attempt to climb to the peak of Mount Everest fail. Many die. Erik 'looked' past the risk and 'focused' instead on the reward, and went after it passionately.

So even though he's blind, he wouldn't trade his life for anyone else's. His life is his life, so he's enjoying every bit of it.

When Erik was about 15 minutes from the top of the world's tallest mountain, so close to his goal, he started to cry... but his tears were freezing, making it difficult to breath in his mask.

So he had to put off crying with his blind eyes for another 15 minutes

......until he actually reached the top of the world.


What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of life.

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Monday, September 19, 2005

To be nobody but yourself...

'To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.'

EE Cummings

Friday, September 16, 2005

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