Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Other People's Blogs

All last week, I kept meaning to write about Priya Shah's blog, Single By Choice, and I just never got around to doing it. Now I've discovered that in her blog entry for today, Priya has mentioned me! Now it looks like I'm only recommending her blog because she quoted me, which really isn't true... I'm recommending her blog because I like it.

Priya calls her blog a 'A single mom's reflections on relationships, motherhood, men and marriage'. This is how she describes herself:

I’m Priya Florence Shah, a single mother - not really by choice. My husband passed away in June 2005 and since then I’ve decided to remain single.

I’m learning to love my space, deal with loneliness (which I’ve discovered is just a state of mind, easily altered by changing your perspective) and read a lot of personal growth and self-development books.

I’m also a successful businesswoman, having been in the field of online marketing since 2001, and recently started an online marketing firm. My babies (my 6-year old daughter and my new business) keep me very, very busy. My biggest challenge is finding time for myself - a problem that all moms (single or not) face everyday.

Hope you enjoy Priya's blog...

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