Thursday, March 30, 2006

One for the coaches amongst you

Innovative Global Phone Conference Helps Coaches Build Sustainable Business

The second Global Phone Conference takes place over three days from April 5 to April 7th 2006. Coaches will be able to telephone in at the times they choose during the day to hear experts give practical strategies and insightful tips to help them build a sustainable business.

“Coach training programmes tend to focus on coaching, not on building a business,” explains Amechi Udo, founder of the Global Phone Conference. “Our research showed that 48% of coaches felt business building was their number one priority, so we have selected speakers with the expertise and experience to help.”

The Keynote hour-long phone call at 4:30 pm (BST) on Friday 7th April will be delivered by Nancy Kline the internationally-respected speaker facilitator and author of “Time to Think”. Other strategies for business building including marketing, PR, getting the business on the internet, networking and the value of accreditation in generating business, will be addressed by successful coaches who include Gladeana McMahon listed as one of the UK's Top Ten Coaches by the Independent on Sunday (2003) and Sunday Observer (2006), Nicola Cairncross, the first British woman to be asked to speak at the World Internet Summit (May 2005) and featured on CNN Breakfast News as an internet entrepreneur who survived the "dot com bubble" bursting in 2000-2001, and Alan Forrest Smith, internationally renowned internet marketer, and 18 other experts.

As life and business coaches often coach over the phone they are comfortable with the medium and know how powerful it can be. Udo has made provision for over 20 coaches to be on a line at any one time, and expects the conference to be very successful. Nancy Kline herself is delighted to be taking part and said of Amechi Udo “You have inspired many people with this impressive initiative”.

The speakers are all successful coaches and business people.

For details of how to book and the full programme information visit:

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nutrient Rich resources

I received an email today from John Allen Mollenhauer of giving details of several new resources he has developed around his passion for foods that are full of nutritional value. To save time, I have copied the whole thing for you, complete with links:

To: Ann,
From: John Allen Mollenhauer

RE: has just launched new!

Hi Ann, It's me, John Allen and I do hope you take the time (less than 3 minutes) to carefully read (not skim) through this entire email message. I am all about serving you and making sure that your food serves you too. We just launched the new so that you can learn the way to eat better food for better health and natural weightl*oss and get 'free' of the foods that are keeping you stuck. You just can't believe how much we've fallen for over the years, when it comes to food, our health and performance; it's a major reason why over 80% of us are carrying around too much weight with low energy and worried about our long term health. NutrientRich is the new trend in eating, for very good reasons not limited to the fact that current methods of eating less just aren't working. You'll soon realize that the one thing we least suspected, the very goal of eating less, has a lot to do with why most people are still suffering from weight problems. I promised in the special report you likely downloaded, no where else will you learn the ins and outs of eating better, and "how to" do so in a way you'll love from day one, than at

I have set up an insightful blog at Also, if you haven't already done so, get the Exclusive Seven-Page Report - the NutrientRich Revolution. > It's in the upper right hand corner of the site. I look forward to supporting your success in the day's weeks and months to come as you get off your diet and get into a lifestyle that promotes your success. By the way, I have an upcoming teleseminar you'll want to join in on, if you want to get healthy and lean. Moving Forward,

All My Best!
John Allen

John Allen Mollenhauer
P.O. Box 9 Maplewood, NJ 07040
Phone - 973-763-9902
Fax - 973-763-9690
Copyright 2005 -2006 Custom Media Communications, Inc.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Are you an aquaholic?

We had Chinese food last night, so all that monosodium glutamate has got me chugging down the water like a good 'un. But in the back of my mind is the following article, which I came across yesterday, thanks to Judith Morgan of the Three Wise Women. Just click the following link to read it for yourself:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Final Fish Health Bulletin

Sadly, the fish died yesterday afternoon. We had to isolate her in a quarantine 'bucket' because, as the weather started to warm up, so did the other fish in the pond and they were starting to knock her around a little.

Gradually, the dreadful gasping for oxygen stopped and she became more and more lethargic until she drifted away at about 3.30 pm. It was all very sad and she is now buried under a cherry tree in the 'pet graveyard' in a corner of the garden. We couldn't bear to put her in the bin or flush her down the loo because (hopefully) she will have saved the lives of all the rest of the fish in the pond. We're not really big on religion, but we reckon that that, in itself, should guarantee her her spot in fishy heaven. Bless her.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Fish Health Bulletin

No time for a proper blog posting today, however, just in case you were wondering about the fish - her condition remains unchanged - no better and no worse. If she were a human, a hospital spokesperson would be saying, 'The patient remains in a critical condition.' Hope to have better news soon.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

P.H., Parasites and Paramedics

We had a 60-mile round-trip mercy mission yesterday afternoon to save the life of one of the goldfish that live in our pond. Very early on Tuesday morning, I noticed that one fish had come to the top of the pond, which was unusual in itself because they don’t usually become active until much later in the morning and then, they tend to appear in 2’s and 3’s, rather than alone. I noticed that the fish remained motionless in the same place for the rest of the day and, when I looked closer, it appeared to be listing slightly to one side and gasping.

I rang my stepfather, who has kept fish for years, and he advised me to keep an eye on the situation and said that he always tends to lose one or two of his fish at this time of year. Well that’s okay if you’re talking about ordinary fish but, since we bought these fish as tiny tiddlers and they’re now big handsome beasties of around 4-5 inches in length, we’re talking more about family members than creatures that live in our pond…

I wasn’t happy. I worried about that fish until I fell asleep. Then, next morning, I woke at 5.20 am, and got up to go take a look at the patient, fully expecting to see a small body floating on the top of the water (particularly since overnight temperatures of minus 5 degrees Celsius had been forecast). To my amazement, the fish was still alive, its condition unchanged.

As the day went on, I noticed that the fish’s gasping appeared to be getting worse and I was starting to feel really unhappy and uncomfortable. Was it in pain? Do fish feel pain? Were we allowing it to suffer unnecessarily? Should we just take it out of the pond, allow it to die and put it out of its misery? I just couldn’t find it within myself to make that decision, so I decided to ring the RSPCA (The Royal Society for Cruelty to Animals) and ask their advice. After all, they are the experts in this area and, if they told me that the fish was suffering and should be allowed to die, then so be it…

Well, the woman on the advice line was horrified at the thought of letting the fish die and made me feel like the cruellest person they had ever come into contact with, just for thinking about putting it out of its misery. However, the only suggestion she could come up with was to try ringing local garden centres that sold fish in the hope of finding someone who knew what they were talking about as far as fish ‘health’ was concerned… Which lead to our mission of mercy, with the fish in a bucket of pond water (essential for analysis) in the back of Chris’s van, and him trying to drive through rush hour traffic without sloshing the water – and the fish – out.

The fish doctor was very good. He tested the pond water and pronounced it to be healthy, if a little alkaline. Then he lifted the fish out of the bucket, gently scraped some implement along its scales and applied the scrapings to a slide which went under his microscope. After a long look through the eyepiece, he invited us to see for ourselves. The slide was teeming with transparent, worm-like creatures – parasites with an unpronounceable name but more commonly known as ‘body flukes’. He took down a book and proceeded to show us a picture of a body fluke, inviting us to read about them for ourselves. But the only thing I wanted to know about them was – were they curable? Can my fish (which he informed us was a female) be saved?

Well, apparently, the parasites are treatable. Whether the fish can be saved or not remains to be seen. We treated the pond water with the medication he gave us and she’s still alive this morning, bless her. I’ll keep you informed about her condition…

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Radical self-honesty

Michael Neill's radio show, which is entitled 'Radical Self-Honesty' this week, sounds intriguing. Here are the details:

on Thursday, March 23 at Noon pacific/3pm eastern/8pm UK
(Live internet radio at

One very good reason that many people don't trust themselves is that they are not truly honest with themselves. Tune in to learn how making this one simple shift will transform your life! I'll be taking your calls throughout the show - if you want to learn to trust yourself in a variety of situations including money, decision-making and relationships, phone in to speak with me on air!

Inside the US1-866-254-1579
Outside the US001-760-918-4300
To listen to the show live this Thursday, March 23, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How to choose your friends

'Some people will try and belittle your dreams. Some people will call you an old fool. Some people will be very supportive of you - those are the ones you want to hang around with.'

Jean Johnson

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Slave to Your Possessions by John L White

I received the following by John L White in a newsletter this morning and thought, 'How true!'. Thought I'd pass it on and give you some food for thought...

'Are you working for junk? At one point in the past few years, I actually said to my wife during a heated discussion, "I refuse to be a slave to my possessions." Once you have finished laughing yourself silly, let me try to explain what I mean by that statement.

Have you ever noticed how much junk there is in your life? I am purposely using the word junk to make a point. When I look around my house, many of the things in it, when you get down to it, are really junk. Even the things that aren't junk now are on their way to becoming junk someday. For example, we have a Maytag washer and dryer. I'll go out on a limb and state that in 25 years or less, they will be classified as junk. When I look in our closets at all the clothes we have, what will most of them be in 10 years? Junk. The next time you go into Goodwill or Salvation Army, remember that all that junk in there is something that someone bought brand new with their hard-earned money.

So, take a look around your house sometime. Do you see any junk? Any shirts, shoes, or pants that you paid good money for and wore only a few times? What about all that junk out in the garage? Is there anything that's broken or you don't use any more and you now realize you never really needed? Is there anything out there that was never used at all? When I scan our garage, all I see is junk. Junk that I spent my precious time earning money to pay for.

And speaking of time, how much do you spend moving your junk? Cleaning your junk? Do you buy shelves or special containersto store your junk? And worst of all, do you rent a storage building to house your junk? Step back for a moment and think about the wisdom of that decision. You shell out money every month in order to house your junk that you neither use nor see. Not only that, but you paid money for that junk when you bought it. Did you pay cash for it or credit? If you paid credit, are you still paying interest for the junk you don't use in addition to the money for the storage unit every month? If you had taken all the money you spent on the junk, the interest on the purchase of the junk, and the money you spent for the storage unit and saved it instead, how much money would you have today? Would you be any closer to retirement?

Once you understand and internalize the fact that the junk you buy puts you farther away from retirement, I think you are well on your way to getting control of your finances.

So, what percentage of the junk you buy is something you really need? When you are in the checkout line at the grocery store, before you grab that magazine and plop it down on the conveyor belt with the groceries, stop and think: "Do I really need this?" When you're walking down the aisle at KrapMart (you know which store I'm talking about) and you see that cute little knick knack sitting there, just waiting for you to grab it, ask yourself this: "How important is this thing to my life?" Then ask yourself if it's worth the real price you'll pay for it.'
John L. White is the author of "I'm In Debt, Over 40, With NoRetirement Savings. Help!" and founder of Everlove and Bohannon Publishing. He also works full-time as an IT professional for a large International Company. To order "I'm In Debt, Over 40, With No Retirement Savings. Help!", visit or call 813-907-2511.

Friday, March 17, 2006

One for the guys

I have been contacted on several occasions by men saying, 'What you do is great but what about men who are leaving relationships? Who helps us?' If you know any men who are in this position (or for that matter, if you are a man in this position), you could have a look at, a new web portal that has been launched by Patrick Fleming, a recent (virtual) contact of mine.

I've only had time for a very quick look at the site but I could see no evidence of woman-bashing on there and the bulk of what I read was good, positive stuff which included contributions from women that had been well received.

I think that there is much that newly-separated women and men can learn from each other and this is a site that I will definitely be keeping an eye on in future.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

How about taking your friends along on a date?

Have you heard about group internet dating? I hadn't, until my trip to the US last week, when I read about it in USA Today. Apparently, sites such as allow members to sign up to use their services in groups of 2, 3 or 4 people - which means that you can get in touch with and, ultimately, meet, other groups of 2, 3 or 4 people.

This removes many of the concerns that I know women often have about using Internet dating sites - such as the need to put their personal details and photograph online and the fact that they have no idea if the person they are corresponding with is who they say they are. And when you go on a date with 2 or 3 of your friends, your fears that your drink will be spiked whilst you are in the bathroom are dramatically reduced.

Other advantages of group dating are that it removes much of the stress and anxiety involved in meeting for the first time someone you have previously only met either on-line or over the phone. And let's face it, if you don't hit it off with the person you have been corresponding with, you might just find some chemistry with one of their friends - which makes group dating much more like the social mixing that takes place on a night out with the girls.

As far as I am aware, only caters for US daters, but I believe that offers a similar service for UK singles.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Concerns over bottled water

I love Florida (see previous post) but after the particularly nice-tasting water that we get from our taps (faucets) in this part of the UK, the water in Florida always tastes rather 'sandy' to me. So, whenever I'm in Florida, I tend to drink much more bottled water - which is what I've been doing over the last 2 weeks. Whilst doing the rounds of the internet news sites yesterday, I was concerned to read that scientists in Germany have found that potentially toxic substances, such as the heavy metal, Antimony, could be leaching into bottled water from their plastic containers. These traces were found in 48 European brands of bottled water and 15 Canadian brands.

Looks like I'll be buying glass and digging out the water filter jug in future

Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm back

Hello there! Did you wonder where I'd got to? I've been off on holiday (vacation) to Florida to get some sun and relaxation in. Had a wonderful time - a week in Vilano Beach (very laid-back community up near St Augustine) followed by a week on Sanibel and Captiva Islands. S & C were gorgeous - I've been meaning to go there for years and now I can't think why I waited so long - absolute paradise... We stayed in a hotel but next time I'm going back for longer and renting a house there.

But now I'm back and what a shock to the system! Instead of the glorious high 70's, low 80's weather we've been used to, it's zero degrees (centigrade) and snow... Instead of the morning walk along the beach, gathering shells to add to our collection and listening to the rolling waves, it's back to my daily 6 am workout to a Mojo fm soundtrack... Instead of a dazzling array of fruits and juices, (okay - and pastries and donuts too) to choose from for breakfast, it's back to bran flakes and a banana... And I'm what I consider to be one of the lucky ones - I have a pretty great life. I work for myself, from my home office. I don't have to turn out on freezing cold mornings and travel to work. I don't have to jump through anyone else's hoops when I get there. I don't have to put up with idiots and their egos all day long. I have a good relationship with a lovely, kind man who recognises that I need my space. I know the power of the Law of Attraction and the effect that deliberate intention has on my life.

So if it's difficult for someone like me to come back from holiday and get back into daily life, what must it be like for people who hate their jobs? Their relationships? Their whole lives?

And if this sounds like you, what can you do about it?

Start by giving me a call - +44 (0)1405 861074 or drop me a line at and let's talk about how we can get you back on the right track.