Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm back

Hello there! Did you wonder where I'd got to? I've been off on holiday (vacation) to Florida to get some sun and relaxation in. Had a wonderful time - a week in Vilano Beach (very laid-back community up near St Augustine) followed by a week on Sanibel and Captiva Islands. S & C were gorgeous - I've been meaning to go there for years and now I can't think why I waited so long - absolute paradise... We stayed in a hotel but next time I'm going back for longer and renting a house there.

But now I'm back and what a shock to the system! Instead of the glorious high 70's, low 80's weather we've been used to, it's zero degrees (centigrade) and snow... Instead of the morning walk along the beach, gathering shells to add to our collection and listening to the rolling waves, it's back to my daily 6 am workout to a Mojo fm soundtrack... Instead of a dazzling array of fruits and juices, (okay - and pastries and donuts too) to choose from for breakfast, it's back to bran flakes and a banana... And I'm what I consider to be one of the lucky ones - I have a pretty great life. I work for myself, from my home office. I don't have to turn out on freezing cold mornings and travel to work. I don't have to jump through anyone else's hoops when I get there. I don't have to put up with idiots and their egos all day long. I have a good relationship with a lovely, kind man who recognises that I need my space. I know the power of the Law of Attraction and the effect that deliberate intention has on my life.

So if it's difficult for someone like me to come back from holiday and get back into daily life, what must it be like for people who hate their jobs? Their relationships? Their whole lives?

And if this sounds like you, what can you do about it?

Start by giving me a call - +44 (0)1405 861074 or drop me a line at and let's talk about how we can get you back on the right track.

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