Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Radical self-honesty

Michael Neill's radio show, which is entitled 'Radical Self-Honesty' this week, sounds intriguing. Here are the details:

on Thursday, March 23 at Noon pacific/3pm eastern/8pm UK
(Live internet radio at

One very good reason that many people don't trust themselves is that they are not truly honest with themselves. Tune in to learn how making this one simple shift will transform your life! I'll be taking your calls throughout the show - if you want to learn to trust yourself in a variety of situations including money, decision-making and relationships, phone in to speak with me on air!

Inside the US1-866-254-1579
Outside the US001-760-918-4300
To listen to the show live this Thursday, March 23, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'.

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