Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The final chapter

I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving all 99 chapters of Mike Brescia's ecourse, 'Today Is Your Day To Win'. Sadly, I have just received Chapter 99 in my in-box and I thought I would share it with you and give you a chance to subscribe to the course yourself (details at the end). So here it is - Chapter 99 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'.

How To Reach The Top Starting From Anywhere

Today's Empowering Quote

'Twenty years ago, when I went blind, it was tough to even find the bathroom. Now that I've climbed Mount Everest, well, I guess I've come a long way.'
-Erik Weihenmayer

Today's Empowering Question

What limitations have I been clinging to that I should and will throw right out the window, never to look back at again?

Today's Fast Session
Erik Weihenmayer went completely blind when he was 13....

Since then he's climbed the world's tallest mountains, run marathons and jumped out of planes, among his many pursuits.

Erik's story is about having the 'vision' to dream big; the courage to reach for near impossible goals; and the grit, determination, and ingenuity to transform his life into 'something miraculous.

'If you want to learn more about Erik, his book, 'Touch theTop of the World' can be found just about anywhere.

OK. So if a blind guy can climb the world's tallest mountain...

How do those excuses sound that you keep coming up with about why you can't do that paltry little project that's been sticking its tongue out at you for months now.

People like Erik only have one thing that separates them from most everyone else; the attitude that life is to be lived; that accomplishments require some risk, and that the risks themselves can make life juicy and fun.

Now, it's probably not required that you risk life and limb to achieve most of your goals, is it?

You want some juice, don't you? Accomplishment? Real excitement?

Then set a big goal. A REALLY big goal. But whatever it is, it's got to stretch you. It's got to be something that you really want... something that would really change your life.

Write down all the steps it will take. Who do you have to call? Where do you have to go? Does it require special training? Do you need tools or supplies?

What sacrifices do you have to make?

Sitting on the couch for another 10 minutes might be pretty 'comfortable.' Taking one more unimportant phonecall might be more 'fun' in the moment.

But at the end of the day when you look in the mirror...the only way THAT'S going to be fun is if you cut short the unimportant phone calls, got off the comfortable couch, stopped hiding out and took some major steps toward a big goal... every day. If you do that consistently, you'll start to really be proud of who you're becoming.

Those 'sacrifices,' if you'll look at them aren't sacrifices at all.

Happiness comes from what you become, not what you get. If you become more, you'll get more automatically. It's one of those cosmic universal laws.

Erik Weihenmayer, in achieving his goals, has become more. Now he gets paid huge sums to talk to thousands of people every year about the thrill of working to reach your wildest dreams. He gets to write about it.

90% of the people who attempt to climb to the peak of Mount Everest fail. Many die. Erik 'looked' past the risk and 'focused' instead on the reward, and went after it passionately.

So even though he's blind, he wouldn't trade his life for anyone else's. His life is his life, so he's enjoying every bit of it.

When Erik was about 15 minutes from the top of the world's tallest mountain, so close to his goal, he started to cry... but his tears were freezing, making it difficult to breath in his mask.

So he had to put off crying with his blind eyes for another 15 minutes

......until he actually reached the top of the world.


What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of life.

FREE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FREE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com

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