Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Single Again Club

By the 3rd of January, I had already heard about two relationships that had bitten the dust over the holiday period. Christmas and New Year are a prime time for relationship break-up - all that time spent in close proximity can really turn the spotlight on a partnership that is no longer working and inspire one or both partners to intend something better for themselves for the coming year.

If you (or a female friend, colleague for family member) are starting the New Year as a newly-single woman, I can help you not only survive 're-entry' into singlehood, but actually make a success of it!

The Single Again Club is a brand new, on-line coaching community which I am setting up to provide newly-single women with high quality coaching at an affordable price. As a member of the Single Again Club you will receive:

  • One, hour-long, group coaching call per month
  • Two, thirty-minute private coaching sessions per month. (Private coaching sessions will be scheduled to take place on Coaching Hotline Days. Coaching Hotline Days are scheduled to take place regularly throughout the month)
  • Regular email support and encouragement via our dedicated Single Again Club discussion group (which allows you to have your questions answered, share your experiences, disappointments and challenges, celebrate the good bits and really feel the benefits of being part of a community of women who are all newly-single and sharing similar experiences.)
  • A copy of our monthly newsletter, 'Successfully Single', which is packed full of advice, tips and resources to help you to make the transition from 'newly-single' woman to 'Successfully Single' woman
  • Access to our occasional interviews with guest speakers

All for an affordable £87 per month!

The Single Again Club will officially launch on Saturday 21 January 2006 at 4 pm (UK time) with the first group coaching call. The first Coaching Hotline Day is scheduled for Thursday 26 January.

If you are ready to join us, secure payments by bank or credit card can be made safely through Paypal via the Successfully Single website. If you would like further information, contact me at or call me on +44 (0)1405 861074.

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