Friday, January 20, 2006

Are you a packrat, paper hound or procrastinator?

Are you a packrat, paper hound or procrastinator? Find out by taking clutter expert (or should that be decluttering expert?), Cheryl Miller's quiz. Whilst you're there, you can also sign up for Cheryl's newsletter and join any or all of her clubs - besides the 'Packrat Club', you can choose from the 'Healthy Kitchen' club, the 'Healthy Habits' club, the 'Move More' club, the 'Green Living' club. the 'Big Changes' club and the 'Smoke Now, Quit Later' club.

How does she find the time to keep track of them all? After checking out all those clubs, I'm only fit for the 'I'm off to have a lie-down' club.

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