Saturday, April 19, 2008

Double dipping and the five-second rule

Chocolate_cakeHave you ever heard about the 'five-second rule'? I hadn't until I read about it in the Superliving ezine this week. The five-second rule states that, if you drop your last piece of your favourite chocolate cake on the floor, so long as you pick it up within five seconds, it's okay to eat it...

Then there's the knotty little issue of double-dipping - where, for example, someone dips a corn chip into salsa, takes a bite and, rather than be left with the remaining bite of salsa-less chip, dips the remainder of the chip back into the salsa.

Last year, food microbiologist Professor Paul Dawson of Clemson University in South Carolina carried out the first credible scientific research into both floor-to-food contact and the practice of double-dipping and, as you'll see in this article by Kristie Batten, the findings provide food for thought...

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