Thursday, June 08, 2006

Simple 'no effort' tips to improve digestion... from a nutritionist

Have you noticed that, as you get older, something happens to your digestive system which means that all the bad habits you got into in your youth (you know, the ones like eating on the run, throwing your food down, not chewing and eating whilst lying horizontal on the couch) can come back to haunt you and leave you with terrible indigestion problems?

Lucy-Ann Prideaux MSc BSc RNutr is a registered Nutritionist. She has a Masters degree in Human Nutrition, as well as a 1st class BSc degree in Sports Science. Here are Lucy's simple 'no effort' tips to improve digestion...

'Drink a large mug or glass of water on rising - preferably warm with a little fresh lemon juice. Sit upright at a table when eating.
Never over eat.
Chew food thoroughly.
Be aware of your natural appetite signals and work with them.
Don’t eat if you feel stressed, angry or over anxious.
Eat fresh food (especially fresh vegetables) and take time to taste your food.
Eat when you are hungry and don't eat when you are NOT hungry.
Avoid drinking too much fluid with food, but drink water between meals.
Do NOT drink tea and coffee with meals.
Avoid late meals (especially high fat or calorie dense meals).
If you suffer with poor digestion, avoid eating after about 7pm.'

You can see Lucy Ann's website at

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