Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The power of incisive questions

The title of Michael Neill's radio show this week is 'Incisive Questions' and his special guest is Nancy Kline, author of the excellent 'Time to Think'. Here's what Michael has to say about the show:

This week on Hay House Radio! Thursday, June 8 at Noon pacific/3pm eastern/8pm UK: (Internet radio at


If you knew for a fact that the only thing between you and what you really want was a limiting assumption, what would you do to break free? This week, I'll be joined by Nancy Kline, founder of 'Time to Think International' ( and one of my favorite authors and coaches.

We'll be discussing and demonstrating the power of 'incisive questions' - questions that ignite the human mind with freedom and possibility. Because of the in-depth nature of Nancy's coaching, we'll only have time to work with a few callers during the show.

If you would like to step out over the edge of your world and discover how much is really possible for you, the numbers to call are:

Inside the US 1-866-254-1579
From the UK/Outside the US 001-760-918-4300

To listen to the show live this Thursday, June 8, go to at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'.

Coming Soon:June 15 - Mental Movie Making
June 22 - Motivation vs. Inspiration

For podcast and streaming versions of past shows, please visit and sign up for the 'Listen Again' archives!

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