Monday, September 26, 2005

The key to success

'I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.'

Bill Cosby

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The final chapter

I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving all 99 chapters of Mike Brescia's ecourse, 'Today Is Your Day To Win'. Sadly, I have just received Chapter 99 in my in-box and I thought I would share it with you and give you a chance to subscribe to the course yourself (details at the end). So here it is - Chapter 99 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'.

How To Reach The Top Starting From Anywhere

Today's Empowering Quote

'Twenty years ago, when I went blind, it was tough to even find the bathroom. Now that I've climbed Mount Everest, well, I guess I've come a long way.'
-Erik Weihenmayer

Today's Empowering Question

What limitations have I been clinging to that I should and will throw right out the window, never to look back at again?

Today's Fast Session
Erik Weihenmayer went completely blind when he was 13....

Since then he's climbed the world's tallest mountains, run marathons and jumped out of planes, among his many pursuits.

Erik's story is about having the 'vision' to dream big; the courage to reach for near impossible goals; and the grit, determination, and ingenuity to transform his life into 'something miraculous.

'If you want to learn more about Erik, his book, 'Touch theTop of the World' can be found just about anywhere.

OK. So if a blind guy can climb the world's tallest mountain...

How do those excuses sound that you keep coming up with about why you can't do that paltry little project that's been sticking its tongue out at you for months now.

People like Erik only have one thing that separates them from most everyone else; the attitude that life is to be lived; that accomplishments require some risk, and that the risks themselves can make life juicy and fun.

Now, it's probably not required that you risk life and limb to achieve most of your goals, is it?

You want some juice, don't you? Accomplishment? Real excitement?

Then set a big goal. A REALLY big goal. But whatever it is, it's got to stretch you. It's got to be something that you really want... something that would really change your life.

Write down all the steps it will take. Who do you have to call? Where do you have to go? Does it require special training? Do you need tools or supplies?

What sacrifices do you have to make?

Sitting on the couch for another 10 minutes might be pretty 'comfortable.' Taking one more unimportant phonecall might be more 'fun' in the moment.

But at the end of the day when you look in the mirror...the only way THAT'S going to be fun is if you cut short the unimportant phone calls, got off the comfortable couch, stopped hiding out and took some major steps toward a big goal... every day. If you do that consistently, you'll start to really be proud of who you're becoming.

Those 'sacrifices,' if you'll look at them aren't sacrifices at all.

Happiness comes from what you become, not what you get. If you become more, you'll get more automatically. It's one of those cosmic universal laws.

Erik Weihenmayer, in achieving his goals, has become more. Now he gets paid huge sums to talk to thousands of people every year about the thrill of working to reach your wildest dreams. He gets to write about it.

90% of the people who attempt to climb to the peak of Mount Everest fail. Many die. Erik 'looked' past the risk and 'focused' instead on the reward, and went after it passionately.

So even though he's blind, he wouldn't trade his life for anyone else's. His life is his life, so he's enjoying every bit of it.

When Erik was about 15 minutes from the top of the world's tallest mountain, so close to his goal, he started to cry... but his tears were freezing, making it difficult to breath in his mask.

So he had to put off crying with his blind eyes for another 15 minutes

......until he actually reached the top of the world.


What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of life.

FREE details==> FREE email course ==>

Monday, September 19, 2005

To be nobody but yourself...

'To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.'

EE Cummings

Friday, September 16, 2005

Chocolate Tasters Wanted

WANTED: Rock stars, footballers, chocolate tasters and more.

MTV, GMTV, Ducati, Closer Magazine, Aardman Animations and Liverpool FC (to name a few) are opening their doors for a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with them for the day

Live your dream, seize the day and experience your dream job

To win one of over 30 dream jobs, click now!

Tell a Friend

Approximately £1 from every entry goes to Barnardo's, giving children and young people a better start in life

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Go ahead punk... make my day!

We have a pond in our back garden. It's not a big pond - it only contains 9 goldfish and a couple of frogs (we did have 10 fish but one died from some dreadful fishy disease soon after we bought them).

Yesterday, Chris, my partner, went into the utility room and shouted to me, 'What's happened to the pond?'. When I looked, all the pond weed and the lily pads covering the surface of the water had been pulled out and were floating, limply and pathetically, whilst the fish were nowhere to be seen.

Upon closer investigation, it appeared most likely that some creature, probably a heron, had been attempting to attack the fish, who were all now lying low on the bottom of the pond, probably scared witless (not that fish have all that many wits!).

I was incensed. I felt like a mother must feel when her children are being attacked. I know that it's only 'nature red in tooth and claw' and all that, but we bought the fish as little tiny tiddlers and, over the last 2 or 3 years, they have grown - big, strong and handsome. I couldn't be prouder if I'd given birth to them myself.

I did offer to sit by the pond, with a shotgun, on the revolving chair from the office (defending my territory and my young 'uns), but it's raining buckets this morning and we don't actually have a shotgun. Only a starting pistol. So I've settled for a huge, green tarpaulin draped over a ladder across the pond instead.

Now I'm off to Homebase for some seriously heavy-duty mesh... I'll teach that heron not to mess with me and mine!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Self-help books on prescription

Something that caught my eye on the BBC news-site this morning was a pilot project to prescribe self-help books to people with mental health problems. (10% of women suffer a depressive episode every year.)

People in Cardiff who are suffering from mild-to-moderate depression and other mental health problems are being prescribed recommended books which they can borrow from any library in the City. The aims are to give people the help they need much more quickly than putting them on a waiting list to see a counsellor, whilst, at the same time, cutting the number of prescription drugs that are handed out.

A spokesperson for Depression Alliance Cymru has given the scheme a cautious welcome. To read the full article, click here

Friday, September 09, 2005

The iPod generation and the property ladder

Wealth Coach and founder of the Wealth Company, Gill Fielding, writes about major myths in the current UK property market today in her blog. The one that particularly caught my eye was the myth that ' young people can't get started on the property ladder'. Gill writes:

A think tank has done some research into what they call the iPod generation – our current 18 to 34 year olds, who apparently feel that they are saddled with debt from their student days, have no job security and no hope of ever getting on the property ladder. On the other hand, says the research, this may be because they spend their 20’s partying, chasing dreams and moving from job to job. One 27 year old (who was drinking a £9 cocktail as she spoke) earning £22k despaired of owning her own home but admitted to spending £30k in 5 years on drink, shoes, CD’s and other ‘non essentials’.

So it’s not that they can’t get on the property ladder – they just chose not to.

To read more from Gill, go to and click on 'Gill's Gems'.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Single Again Club

I've been working on a new project for 2006 which I think will be called the Single Again Club.

The club will provide newly-single women with affordable life coaching, together with relaxed and convenient opportunities for support, networking and self-development.

The way that I am thinking is, full membership of the club will include the following benefits:
  • a weekly tele-group coaching session
  • email coaching which is available on one day each week via the Single Again Club coaching gym
  • admission to and participation in regular Single Again Club tele-discussions with guest speakers and experts
  • membership of the Single Again Club Smartgroup (an e-mail discussion group)

My problem is - how much do I charge for membership? Maybe you can help me out. If you were a newly-single woman, how much would you be willing/could you afford to pay for club membership? Please e-mail me at or leave a comment below.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Who'd a thunk it?

I spotted the article below on the website today. Now if they could get the pegs to bring the washing in when it does start raining, that'd be REALLY good...

Clever pegs save washing from rain

New weather-predicting clothes pegs could stop clean washing from getting drenched in the rain. The plastic pegs lock themselves shut if a downpour is imminent to prevent the user hanging clothes outside. They only unlock once a signal tells them that it is not likely to rain within the next half hour.
10.10am Tuesday 6 September 2005 Copyright (c) Press Association Ltd 2005, All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Handle the Holidays!

For a newly-single woman, the holiday season can really emphasize the loss of your relationship and turn the spotlight on all the changes that have taken place in your life.

Handle the Holidays! is a free, hour-long teleclass to help newly-single women to prepare, plan for and cope with the major family-centred holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.

This class will help you to adjust to spending the holidays as a single woman (whether you have children around or not), recognise the opportunities and choices that are available to you and (dare I say it?), maybe even go on to enjoy the holiday season…

The class will be held on:

Wednesday 09 November 2005 - This is a pre-Thanksgiving holiday class which will start at 2 pm (EST), 11 am (Pacific) and 7 pm (UK time) and

Wednesday 14 December at 7 pm (UK time), 2 pm (EST) and 7 pm (Pacific).

If you would like to join us (or if you have any questions), click here

Friday, September 02, 2005


I'm so angry with myself. Today, for the first time in my life, I have gone into unauthorised overdraft at the bank. In fact, this is the first time in my life that I've had an overdraft of any description.

This came about because, every month, I 'sweep' any excess money from my online current account into its attached e-savings account where the interest rate is much better. Then, on the last day of the month, I 'sweep' back into my current account the amount I need for the following month. Brilliant system - works every time and maximises the amount of interest I get on my money.

Until this morning, when, at 5.08 am, I had one of those 'bolt-awake' moments when I realised that today is the 2nd of September and I had forgotten to 'sweep' the money back from my e-savings.

I ran downstairs, hoping that September would be one of those months when my mortgage payment is debited from my account on the 2nd, rather than the 1st of the month... But when I logged on, there was a big, fat minus sign lurking before my account balance. Grrrr.... I hate paying interest or finance charges on anything. That'll teach me - I'm off to put an entry on my on-line calendar for the last day of each month, reminding me to transfer those funds. Must be my age...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The season of mists...

September marks the start of the best time of year for me. I'm not really a 'Summer' person - I get too hot and crabby and the heat totally zaps my energy. I much prefer Autumn when I can start to dig out my sweaters, scarves and boots and tuck myself up - snuggly and warm.

And then, of course, just around the corner we have Christmas, which is always good fun, followed by Spring, when everything comes to life again... Yep. I'm definitely on a roll now... Throw another log on the fire, would you?

This is an excerpt from the September issue of my 'Get a life you love!' newsletter. If you would like to read more, click here