Friday, May 19, 2006

The Office of the Future?

I woke up a little early this morning, so I thought I'd check out my email and stuff before I started my workout. Whilst I was on Squidoo, I spotted the following and at first I thought it was a joke, (well it was 5.05 am) but apparently not. Here is what the 'lens' (or site) owner has to say about it:

James Levine, M.D. and his colleagues in the NEAT (Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis) lab at Mayo Clinic have pioneered an "Office of the Future" -- a fully functioning office that bears a marked resemblance to a gym. Complete with treadmills that serve as both desks and computer platforms and a two-lane walking track that serves as a meeting room, Dr. Levine and his entire staff have a unique, active work environment.

and this is the lens itself:

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