Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My new baby...

Today marks the launch of my new retirement coaching website - Contemporary Retirement Coaching - you can take a sneaky peak at

I have been fascinated by the subject of retirement ever since I started work and I had been itching to take the coach training course offered by Retirement Options for a couple of years, but had convinced myself that, at 45 (then), I was too young to advise people on their retirement and that I wouldn't have any real credibility.

However, I recently met up with an old friend from work and she mentioned that she was due to retire in 2 years time but that she didn't feel ready for retirement and was planning on working for a while longer yet. I was telling her about the retirement coach training course that I had had my eye on and she pointed out to me that, although I was only 43 when I left full-time work, I had, in effect, retired from corporate life and started a whole new 'retirement' career - which kinda shot my 'too young to have credibility' theory out of the water. Then, the very next day, I received an email from Retirement Options telling me about their next training course and I took that as a sign that retirement coaching and I were meant to be. So I signed up for the course and duly qualified as a retirement coach in mid-February.

So the site - my baby - is up and running. I designed it all myself using Frontpage and, apart from the link to the shopping cart (which keeps returning the purchaser back to my Successfully Single site), it all seems to be working fine.

So, if someone you know has either just retired or is due to retire within the next 10 years or so, would you please point them in my direction? I have some special offers coming up, and, if they sign up for my free retirement tips, I'll make sure that they get to hear all about them.

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