Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's happiness week!

Lifetwo_logo_bg_trans It 'Happiness Week' over at LifeTwo. The guys are aiming to help everyone who visits their site to become happier by scheduling a week of lessons and exercises based on the work of Dr. Ben-Shahar who teaches Harvard University’s most popular class — Positive Psychology.

On each of the first five days they will be posting a lesson and two brief exercises and they intend to round out the week with additional resources and an interview with Dr. Ben-Shahar. The URL for the first post is:

Head over there now and get happy!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Why make-up can damage your health

Girl_with_face_mask_at_spaResearch has suggested that women who apply make-up every day could be flooding their bodies with up to 5lb of potentially dangerous chemicals every year.

The average woman applies 175 different chemicals to her skin on a daily
basis, many of which have been associated with skin problems, hormonal
conditions and cancer. Some of us, apparently, use more that 20 different beauty products every day and nine out of ten of us use make-up which is out of date, potentially endangering both our health and our looks.

If that's given you food for thought, you can find out more here:

Friday, September 07, 2007

Thinking of relocating? Find your spot...

Logo_find_your_spot This is one for our U.S. readers.

If you're thinking about relocating to a different state but don't know where to begin looking, check out There's a fairly lengthy questionnaire to fill out and you do need to give personal information such as your name and address, but stick it out - it's worth it in the end. I was provided with 16 potential relocation locations (!) which were tailored to my personal preferences with regard to climate, city/town size, proximity to art and culture, education and facilities, lifestyle and organizations and even religious practices. (And the really odd thing was, even though I live in the UK, I have already visited 4 of the 16 suggested locations... how weird is that, when you think about the sheer number of towns and cities that make up the U.S.?)

Oh, and after you've logged off, if you go back to the site, it remembers you and you can pick up where you left off...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Ben_dean Want to make your relationships better? Then start to notice how you react to someone else's good news. Many thanks to psychologist and coach Ben Dean for including the following thought-provoking item in his newsletter, Coaching Towards Happiness, this morning. Ben writes:

Shelly Gable's research teaches us a simple, yet powerful way to nurture relationships: active-constructive responding. Yet even though it makes intuitive sense, it's all too easy for me to sabotage. Here's how I've learned to handle my own lapses.

Perhaps you’ve heard the now-famous quote, “Will you be there for me when things go right?”

Shelly_gable This powerful question stems from Dr. Gable’s research into the positive psychology of love and marriage. She does not focus on troubled marriages. She studies how to make good marriages great. She's been interested in how one partner responds to the other’s good news.

It sounds absurdly simple but it’s not: your response to good news affects your relationships. More specifically, the way you respond when someone in your life (loved one, acquaintance, friend, even a colleague) shares a positive event shapes the quality of your relationship with that person.

According to Shelly, how you respond to another person’s good fortune can be divided into these four categories:

Active/Constructive: enthusiastically, showing genuine concern about the good event

Passive/Constructive: silently supportive, displaying subdued happiness

Active/Destructive: critically, pointing out negative aspects and possibilities

Passive/Destructive: indifferently, failing to show any interest

For example, a close friend calls to tell you she’s been asked to teach a course at the University of Chicago. You can respond:

“Wow, congratulations!! You’ve so earned this! You’ll be great!” (Active/Constructive)

“That’s nice.” (Passive/Constructive)

“But that’s in a really bad neighborhood?” Or much worse, “Honey, I’m sorry, but you’re not going to be able to handle it.” (Active/Destructive)

“Did you hear who got voted off American Idol last night?” (Passive/Destructive)

To read Marty (Seligman’s) discussion of this construct, click here.

As he writes in the article, Shelly calls the first category "Capitalizing," amplifying the pleasure of the good situation and contributing to an upward spiral of positive emotion.

Capitalizing turns out to be a key to strong relationships.

Even though we understand its importance, many of us find it’s very easy not to remember to capitalize with our children or spouses when we’re distracted. And it is particularly likely to happen with colleagues.

Since I learned about her work, I’ve realized that I often unknowingly fail to respond in an active constructive manner.

Here’s what I do to get back on track when I realize I’ve gotten derailed.

Notice the Cues

When you’re interacting with someone, pay attention to the energy in their voice, the speed and richness of their speech, the way their eyes look: all signals for whether or not you’re responding in an active/constructive manner. A rise in energy almost inevitably follows when I respond actively and constructively. When I respond with a passive constructive or a negative, the other person’s voice loses energy.

Create Opportunities to Practice

Practice active/constructive responding by starting conversations with invitations like, “What’s new & exciting?” This invites them to tell you their good news. And it then gives you practice in responding.

Balance Safety vs. Savoring

When you want to support someone, but you’re legitimately concerned there may be a dangerous side to their good news, show your support first: let them savor the good for a while --- and tell them your concerns later. For example, Susan tells me about a wonderful opportunity she’s just received but I know that she may be missing a dangerous possibility. My first response is still, “What great news! You deserve this. Tell me about it.”

Avoid The Hero Trap

I notice that sometimes I find myself offering unsolicited advice or trying to come up with things they haven’t thought about before. This is a particular trap I can fall into. When I ask myself why, I discover it is almost always for my benefit more than theirs.

There is one friend whom I’ve supported for 20 years. When she tells me great news, I sometimes start to throw in my advice, and her voice’s loss in energy alerts me. I think I do it because I do not want to lose my privileged place as a key supporter. My advice says, “I’m still here. I can still help you.” In other words, it’s become about me, not her. And I quickly try to fix the situation.

Put Them First

If their triumph involves a conflict with an opposing person, don’t show empathy for the other person. (Possibly save it for later.) By definition, this is not affirming for them and will kill their energy every time.

Avoid Subtle Put Downs

Notice the difference between “I can see how this could be exciting for you,” and legitimately being excited about it. Not participating in the excitement is a subtle way of sabotage when you’re feeling threatened. I once had a friend who would respond to my good news with
an “I can see this matters a lot to you.” Arrgh.

In general, by paying attention to cues, you can tell when you’re being a deflator (me first) instead of a supporter (relationship first).

Active/constructive responding seems obvious, yet it is so worth paying attention to: I promise you, this is a simple change that will pay big dividends.

Want to hear a perfect example?

In the movie Yours, Mine, and Ours, Helen North (Rene Russo) and Frank Beardsley (Dennis Quaid) fall in love (many complications with kids and differing outlooks shortly follow). Then they have a huge fight. While on the outs and unbeknownst to Frank, Helen wins a huge
contract with Saks Fifth Avenue, something she'd been pursuing for months.

Later that evening, Frank asks how her day has been. In a monotone, she lists four or five things, ending in the same dull voice with, "and I got the deal with Saks.”

"You did not!” Frank yells. He hugs her, asks her all about it. Then he asks: “And how can I help?”

You cannot have a better example of an active-constructive response than Frank’s. We don’t need to know about Hollywood endings to guess how their relationship turns out.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Univeral Packing List

Suitcases Well, it's not the prettiest site in the world, but it certainly is useful. The Universal Packing List will generate a customised packing list for any holiday or vacation trip you choose to undertake. Simply fill in a short form and voila! My imaginary trip to Sanibel and Captiva on 31 September for 2 weeks (I wish!) generated a list of 181 items and a shedload of things to remember before I set off.

Generate your own list at: