Thursday, May 31, 2007

I know it's not Father's Day yet, but...

I bet you can't watch this without a tear in your eye! Me? I blubbed for England!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Great quotes

Nelson_mandela_3"In a moment we catch a glimpse of the potential of all that we can be and in a moment we can lose that to fear."

Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Myths about being single

I_love_being_single Do you secretly subscribe to the myth that single people live lonely, miserable existences? That they are self-centred, have few friends and that they die alone and are eaten by their cats? Think again! Discover the reality of being single in an article entitled Myths About Being Single by Bella DePaulo:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why Healthy People Suffer Heart Attacks by Dr Arthur Agatston

Ecg In this excerpt from The South Beach Heart Program: The 4-Step Plan That Can Save Your Life, Dr. Arthur Agatston, the author of The South Beach Diet explains how seemingly fit and healthy people can have heart attacks and how 'soft' plaque can be a hidden killer. Read it at:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Healthy habits that aren't so healthy

Glass_of_water_with_lemon What kinds of things do you do to keep yourself healthy? Do you, for example, drink 8 glasses of water a day? Do you use antibacterial products such as handwashes and dishwashing liquid? Do you always sit up straight to protect your back? If you answered 'Yes' to any or all of those questions, you could be doing yourself more harm than good. Find out why by watching the Healthy Habits That Aren't slideshow at:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Beauty over 40

Girl_with_face_mask_at_spa Is that a moustache? Where did my eyebrows go? And what's going on with my nose? Get the scoop on five little beauty secrets no one ever tells you about aging in an article by Valerie Monroe from O, The Oprah Magazine, October 2006:

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Laziness_street_sign I don't often write a blog posting on Saturday, but I was up early today, catching up with my email backlog and, through a series of web-links (where you click on something of interest, which in turn leads to something else of interest, etc), I came across a relatively new blog by life coach Kamin Bell (pronounced Ca-meen). You can read Kamin's blog for yourself at What If You Believe? but I particularly enjoyed and could identify with the following posting, entitled What Looks Like Lazy:

What Looks Like Lazy...
can be so many other things. I recently coached someone regarding going for a new job. We discussed the actions he should take and the next steps. And...nothing. There are times that I am tempted to get frustrated when someone doesn't follow through, but how can I? I know for them, as I know for myself, that it's not lazy. I have watched myself over the years not do something I needed to or not go after something I want. I used to say I was a procrastinator. But I know better now. Sometimes is just plain old fear. But that fear holds information. What am I afraid of? What am I afraid will happen to me? Am I ready to do that thing I'm putting off? Do I need more information? Is the timing right? Is it fear of looking stupid or making a mistake? That's been a big one for me to deal with. I'm a recovering Virgo perfectionist. I work at being willing to be less than perfect and being willing to simply try.

And, sometimes I have to trick myself. Yesterday, I needed to send a long overdue email requesting assistance from someone (another challenge of mine, asking for help ). On the way home I had to stop at Target for a few things. And, since it's Easter season, my favorite candy, the Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs are in stock. I'm only allowed to buy 1, though. So, I promised myself that I could have the egg after dinner and only after I sent the email. Boy that egg tasted great knowing that I had followed through on my promise. Sometimes I have to set a timer for 15 minutes to get something started or completed. And, sometimes I journal to work out the feelings that are present and holding me back from doing what I know I must. And, sometimes it's recognizing the difference between a "should" and a "must" and following my heart.

So, no more labeling lazy or procrastinator. There's just some nugget of growth behind it that needs to come forward. Some stone to look under and say "hmm, isn't that interesting. I wonder what I'm afraid of?" and then go conquer it.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Eight Things to Help Your Mom Stay Younger Longer by Barbara Morris

Mothers_day_flowers It's Mother's Day in the US on Sunday, so if you're lucky enough to still have your mum around, here's a timely article from Barbara Morris entitled Eight Things to Help Your Mom Stay Younger Longer, which is equally relevant, no matter where you live in the world:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The joy of text

Mobile_phone_keypadIf someone sent you a text message with the abbreviations 10Q or AFAIK in it, would you know what they meant? How about G2G or IKWYM? Struggling? So was I, before I read How Text Speak Is Taking Over. Read it for yourself at: