Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Update - How to divorce without screwing up your children
Monday, January 30, 2006
Living an inspired life
Moving forward when you're inspired is like climbing into a canoe and going for a ride down a river. Trying to move forward when you aren't is like carrying that canoe up a dry riverbed. Tune in this week to learn the secrets of tapping in to the river of inspiration that flows through your life!
As always, I'll be taking your calls on air - if you want to live an inspired (and inspiring) life, phone in to speak with me live!
Inside the US:1-866-903-TALK (8255)
Outside the US:001-858-623-0102
To listen to the show this Tuesday, January 31, go to http://www.hayhouseradio.com at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'
Friday, January 27, 2006
How to divorce without screwing up your children
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Personal Development Expo
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
5 things NOT to do in January
5 Things NOT to do in January
1. Finish off all the Christmas goodies in one go in preparation for the next diet.
2. Join a gym when you did exactly the same thing last year and only went a handful of times.
3. Go on a detox living on fresh air and the latest 'wonder' ingredient. Restricting yourself like that just isn't healthy.
Read the article about detox on the blog>>>>
4. Restrict yourself to a diet of salad, fresh fruit and low fat yoghurt. Cold foods at this time of the year are not filling and definitely not comforting.
5. Put a picture of yourself looking your absolute worst on the fridge door in a bid to stop you snacking.
The healthy alternatives
1. Enjoy some then share the rest by taking them into work or by giving them to someone else as a treat. You get the feel good factor without the calories or guilt.
2. Try something different - dry slope skiing, snow boarding or outdoors ice-skating. Exercise should be fun not a chore, if you don't enjoy it you'll eventually give it up.
3. Use the next few weeks while nothing much is happening to get some early nights and have a rest from alcohol.
4. Experiment with warming foods like vegetable soups and stews or maybe baked fruits for pudding.
5 . Put a picture of yourself looking at your slimmest on the fridge door. This is so much more motivating as you work towards getting in shape.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
'You can have what you want' Radio Show
on 'You Can Have What You Want'
Tuesday, January 10 at Noon pacific, 3pm eastern, 8pm UK (live internet radio at http://www.hayhouseradio.com
There are two keys to success in any endeavor:
1. Letting go
2. Going for it!
Listen in and learn how to combine surrender and action to create a life that makes you go 'Wow!' As always, I'll be taking your calls on air - if you want to create increasingly effortless success in your life, phone in to speak with me live!
Inside the US:1-866-903-TALK (8255)
Outside the US:001-858-623-0102
To listen to the show this Tuesday, January 24, go to http://www.hayhouseradio.com/ at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'
Monday, January 23, 2006
World Wellness Weekend
Deepak Chopra and T. Harv Eker are sharing a stage together in Denver, Colorado on 28/29th January at the Convention Centre and they propose to explore the cutting edge of health, fitness and wellbeing.
Tickets are as low as $35 and you can see and hear a video message from Deepak and full details at http://www.worldwellness.org/ Bargain!
If you live nearby, or can get there at this short notice, don't on any account miss it. Wish I could go. T. Harv gives good value and Deepak's reputation precedes him. An unmissable double-whammy for those of you in the States. Enjoy!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Are you a packrat, paper hound or procrastinator?
How does she find the time to keep track of them all? After checking out all those clubs, I'm only fit for the 'I'm off to have a lie-down' club.
Monday, January 16, 2006
You always have a choice
Viktor Frankl
Friday, January 13, 2006
Friday fun
It is well documented that for every minute that you exercise, you add one minute to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month.
The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
The only reason I would take up exercising is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.
I love long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. Now she's 97 years old and we don't know where the hell she is.
I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wise Resources
Despite a rather uninspiring name, www.healthandage.com is a treasure chest overflowing with useful information and interesting articles about, erm, health and growing older. Its search facility is comprehensive so well worth a look if you want to find out more about living to 100, the best types of exercise, why women live longer than men, despite being weak little things compared to those strong strapping blokes and...oh, loads more.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The Single Again Club
If you (or a female friend, colleague for family member) are starting the New Year as a newly-single woman, I can help you not only survive 're-entry' into singlehood, but actually make a success of it!
The Single Again Club is a brand new, on-line coaching community which I am setting up to provide newly-single women with high quality coaching at an affordable price. As a member of the Single Again Club you will receive:
- One, hour-long, group coaching call per month
- Two, thirty-minute private coaching sessions per month. (Private coaching sessions will be scheduled to take place on Coaching Hotline Days. Coaching Hotline Days are scheduled to take place regularly throughout the month)
- Regular email support and encouragement via our dedicated Single Again Club discussion group (which allows you to have your questions answered, share your experiences, disappointments and challenges, celebrate the good bits and really feel the benefits of being part of a community of women who are all newly-single and sharing similar experiences.)
- A copy of our monthly newsletter, 'Successfully Single', which is packed full of advice, tips and resources to help you to make the transition from 'newly-single' woman to 'Successfully Single' woman
- Access to our occasional interviews with guest speakers
All for an affordable £87 per month!
The Single Again Club will officially launch on Saturday 21 January 2006 at 4 pm (UK time) with the first group coaching call. The first Coaching Hotline Day is scheduled for Thursday 26 January.If you are ready to join us, secure payments by bank or credit card can be made safely through Paypal via the Successfully Single website. If you would like further information, contact me at ann@annharrisonlifecoaching.com or call me on +44 (0)1405 861074.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Free 'How to increase your energy' teleclass being held today
Do you know how to increase your energy without ever going on a diet or
exercising heroically or obessively? Knowing how, is one of the most important skills an ultra busy person needs to know - because your success depends on it.
Do you know know why most people procrastinate? Well, one thing is for sure, it has alot to do with their energy levels.
Increasing your energy is not about food or drinking the latest carbo booster. Tomorrow (that's today (Tuesday) - Ann) you will discover the single most important success factor you will ever learn and how you can make it work for you.
It's part of The Smarter Not Harder Way you'll learn at MyTrainer.com, with me, John Allen on a preview call for the 12 week intensive
In a preview call for MyTrainer's upcoming 12-Week Intensive, for Lifestyle and Fitness Success, I am going to share the secrets to having more energy.
1. You can generate it whenever you want to
2. You can use it to do more of what you want
3. You will feel better, perform better and frankly look better too, when you have more of it.
Today everyone wants to have more energy, so this call should be on your schedule. The call takes place, Tuesday, January 10th 2:00PM ET (7 pm UK time). Here's where to go to get the call-in information. 12 week intensive. The call information is at the top of the page.
Be sure to dial in early to avoid getting bounced.
Speak To You Soon,
John Allen
President and Founder,
http://www.MyTrainer.com Take our survey?
John Allen MollenhauerMTCP, CPT, CNT,
President www.NutrientRich.com www.MyTrainer.com
Monday, January 09, 2006
Get off to a great start!
on 'You Can Have What You Want'
Tuesday, January 10 at Noon pacific, 3pm eastern, 8pm UK (live internet radio at http://www.hayhouseradio.com)
Have you started (or given up on) your New Year's resolutions yet? Listen in this week to find out what it takes to get off to a great start on anew project, a new relationship, a new year, and a new life.
As always, I'll be taking your calls on air - if you want to get unstuck and get going on what really matters in your life, please call in to speak with me live!
Inside the US:1-866-903-TALK (8255)
Outside the US:001-858-623-0102
To listen to the show this Tuesday, January 10, go to http://www.hayhouseradio.com at Noon pacific/8pm UK and click on the button marked 'Listen Now'
Your top 10 most effective ways to lose weight
1) Eat less than you have been or exercise more – in other words you do need to create a calorie deficit in order to burn more calories than you consume in a day, BUT…
2) Do not starve. You will NOT lose fat if you starve yourself. Most people need only to drop their total calorie intake by 300 kcals a day – some by more and some by less – it just depends what the base-line or starting point is – and it often helps to have someone work that out for you!
3) Eat when you are hungry and stop when you feel satisfied. It sounds simple – and it is!
4) Eat real food – not powdered drinks as meal replacements. The process of digesting real solid food actually stimulates the metabolic rate. This is called the “thermic effect” of food, which cannot be achieved by liquid food or supplements.
5) Be consistent with your exercise which should involve aerobic activities and some kind of resistance training.
6) Get your diet “nutritionally” in order, and your exercise before complaining that it’s your genes, you have big bones” or that you have “a slow metabolism”! Sound nutritional practice and effective exercise is a very powerful combination indeed, and if its fast permanent results you want – then this is what you need to focus on.
7) If you want to lose fat permanently you need to put in some effort and be somewhat self-disciplined. You are the only person you are with 24 hours of every day!
8) STOP looking for short cuts to lose weight.
9) Your aim is to lose fat, not muscle and water. Anything that promises fast weight loss, will give you fast fat gain when you start living normally again! You are aiming to lose 1-2lbs a week, with a combination of effective eating and exercising.
10) Finally, don’t believe everything you read in magazines. If it sounds too good to be true – it probably is! Get the only information you will ever need to lose weight effectively and permanently by joining YeartoSlim today.
If you want to try the FREE 5-day mini course - SIGN UP HERE!
With best wishes,
Lucy-Ann x
Lucy-Ann Prideaux MSc BSc RNutrRegistered Nutritionist
Simply NutritionTel: 01323 439936Mobile: 07740 122746
E-mail: lucy@simply-nutrition.co.uk
Website: www.simply-nutrition.co.uk
Friday, January 06, 2006
Had a disastrous date? What to do when you get home.
Recently I was interviewed on a Love and Relationship talk radio show. It was the first time the host heard about the Law of Attraction and she was very interested in the concept. After explaining what the Law of Attraction was about offering positive and negative vibes and that those vibes resulted in all of us attracting positive or negative things into our lives, she asked me the question, “What should someone do if they’ve just come home from a disastrous date?” My answer was simple, “Don’t tell anybody about it!”
When most people find themselves in that situation, they repeat and regurgitate their negative experience over and over and over again. Picking up the phone, they reminisce about how bad the date was, telling numerous people all about how they didn’t like this or that, usually going on and on about their experience in great detail. All the while, they are offering negative vibrations by giving that which they didn’t want -- more of their attention, energy and focus.
The Law of Attraction doesn’t know whether the ‘thing’ you are giving your attention, energy or focus to is good or bad to you or whether you want it or don’t want it. It simply responds to the vibes you are offering by matching them and giving you more of the same!
Knowing what you didn’t like about your date is very important to applying the Law of Attraction to your life IF you use that information to help yourself become more clear about what it is you DO want on your next date. When you come home from a disastrous date, DON’T pick up the phone. Instead, build a list of what you didn’t like. For example:· My date was late· My date talked too much about themselves· My date was a poor listener· My date didn’t seem interested in me· My date was quite negative.
If you continue to give these things more of your attention, energy and focus, you will certainly attract more of the same on your next date. So when you find yourself wondering why you keep attracting the same kind of dating experience or relationship over and over and over again, the answer is always the same. You are attracting a perfect match to what you are offering vibrationally.
How can you stop offering the vibration of what you don’t want? The solution is simple. Just refer to your list and ask yourself, “So, what do I want?”
What I Don’t Want
My date was late
My date talked too much about themselves
My date was a poor listener
My date didn’t seem interested in me
My date was quite negative
So, What Do I Want?
I want my date to show up on time
I want my date to be an attentive listener
I want my date to be interested in me
My date felt very positive
The key point here is when you go from what you don’t want to what you do want, the words change. As your words change your vibration also changes. Now you are offering a new vibration which the Law of Attraction will respond to by sending you more of the same.
Remember when you spend your time talking about what you don’t like, telling others about what you don’t like, journaling and remembering what you don’t like, you are spending all that time giving attention to the very things you don’t want. All the while, the Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration and matching it with more of the same.
So, if you are curious and want to know what vibes you are offering about an ideal date or ideal relationship, take a look and see what you are getting right now–-it’s always a perfect match to what you are offering vibrationally.
Next time you come home from a disastrous date take the time to notice what you did like about it and celebrate that! Then, make a list of what you didn’t like and ask yourself the question, “So, what do I want?” Use your time to give your attention, energy and focus to what you DO want, knowing that the Law of Attraction is responding to your new vibration. Get ready to notice all the ways your next date is a closer match to your list of what you DO want.
© Michael Losier 2005.
Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit http://www.lawofattractionbook.com/.
How attractive are you?
The Law of Attraction, like the Law of Gravity, is one of the laws of the Universe. It states that ‘like attracts like’ and that ‘what we think about is what we attract to us’.
You probably already know that everything in the Universe is made out of energy. Which means that we, ourselves, are made out of energy too. Energy vibrates. Which means that we, too, vibrate. When we are ‘down’ and miserable and thinking negative thoughts, we vibrate at low frequencies and when we are happy, ‘up’ and thinking positive thoughts, we vibrate at high frequencies. Since like attracts like, when we are exuding low frequency, negative energy, we attract more low frequency, negative energy to us. When we are exuding high frequency, positive energy, we attract more high frequency, positive energy to us. It’s as simple as that – we are all just big walking magnets.
The implications for us are that, when we are exuding negative energy, i.e., thinking about everything that is wrong with our lives or focusing on something that we don’t want, this is exactly what we are attracting to us. So, when we are worrying that we won’t have enough money to get through to the end of the month, that our car will break down in a high-crime area or that we won’t get that dream job that we have applied for – this is exactly what we will attract to us.
On the contrary, when we concentrate our time, energy and attention on what we DO want to happen – the good things in life, the prosperity and the abundance – this, too, is what we will attract to us. This implies that we must constantly focus our time, energy and attention on the things that we want to have in our lives, rather than concentrating those resources on what we don’t want in our lives.
This stuff works. Whether you are aware of it or not. You owe it to yourself to find out more about it. You can make a start by checking out the following websites:
www.attractionville.com for free resources and articles
www.lawofattractionbook.com for articles and teleclasses on Attraction
If you want to find out more about becoming deliberately attractive, I can recommend the following books:
The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale
Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn
Remember, the Law of Attraction is at work all the time, whether you are aware of it or not. Better to be aware and using it to your advantage to attract the things you want in life, rather than a whole load of the things you don't want.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Happy New Year - Part 3
You can then go on to chunk these down even further into weekly and even daily targets - this makes your $5000 savings goal just $104.16 per week or $13.69 per day! What could you do to earn an extra $13.69 per day? And doesn't that sound much more manageable than $416.66 per month?
Put your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals or targets somewhere you can see them regularly - how about the wall above your desk? If you share an office or you want your goals to remain private, get some postcard-sized cards, write your targets on them and carry them around with you. Read them often. Write about them in a daily journal. Make up a treasure map - get yourself a pile of magazines, find pictures, headlines and other illustrations that relate to the things you want and stick them to a large sheet of paper or card. They could be pictures of places you want to visit or that car you want to own. You could have a picture of your dream house up there. Group them in a way that's meaningful to you. Then, put the treasure map where you will see it often - it helps imprint your goals into your subconscious.
Find ways to rehearse and emotionally enjoy the experience of achieving your goals before you actually achieve them. Do you want a new car? Something really special that feels to be out of your reach at the moment? Get yourself down to the car dealership and take a test drive of your dream car. Smell that new car smell. Get the feel of the steering wheel under your hands and the feel of the seat under your bottom. Hear the clunk of the door as you close it.
Then think of all the reasons why you should achieve this particular goal. Think how you will feel when you have achieved it. Think what a difference it will make to your life. Keep your focus and attention on what you want - not what you don't want. Be aware of The Law of Attraction - it's at work whether you are aware of it or not. Better to be aware and using it to your advantage.
Come back tomorrow if you don't know about The Law of Attraction and want to find out more...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Happy New Year - Part 2
1. Gain clarity about what it is that you want
2. Begin to focus your attention and energy in that direction
3. Set yourself a big vision for the year - one that will pull you forward and motivate you.
During the act of writing down your goals, a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System is triggered which determines what you will notice and what you will pay attention to.
Think for a minute about all the stimuli that are constantly bombarding your brain via your senses. How does your brain know what it needs to pay attention to and what it can ignore?
Another example of the RAS in action is when you are at a noisy, busy party with lots of people chattering all around you and music playing on the stereo, and then someone, across the other side of the room says your name and you hear them, despite and through all the other background noise that is going on.
The RAS works as a filter for your conscious and unconscious mind, sorting and evaluating incoming data and filtering out the urgent and important stuff from that which is unimportant.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New Year
Are you willing to try something different this year? Can you spare an hour or so to sit down with a pen and pad? It's quite simple, really. All I want you to do is imagine that it's 31 December 2006 and you are looking back over the year and everything that you have achieved during 2006. Then I want you to make a list of all your achievements during the course of the year.
What would you like to be writing on your pad? How would you like to have spent your year? What would you like to have learned? How much would you like to have earned? Where would you like to have been? How successful would you like your business to have been?
Use the following categories to help you:
Personal Development
Fun/recreation/spare time/hobbies
Environment (home/garden/car/office)
Decide what you want to achieve this year in each category and then write it as if you have already achieved it, for example:
- I had a brilliant time in Florida in March, in Ireland in August and ski-ing in Les-Deux-Alpes last week
- I continue to exercise for an hour, 4 times a week and I have achieved my ideal weight of (you insert the figures) through a combination of exercising, healthy eating and portion control
- My social life goes from strength to strength - I enjoy the cinema, theatre or meals out with friends at least twice a week and I am never short of invitations
- I have a full coaching practice and a waiting list. My coaching groups and courses continue to sell out.
Have fun with your list. What do you really, really want to be, do and have this year? Be as specific as you can. Then, come back tomorrow and I'll tell you more...